The lymph node on the neck on the left under the jaw

Such important organs of the human body, like lymph nodes , only make themselves felt when they become densified, inflamed and hurt. In a normal state, they are not probed, and many people do not even know exactly where they are located. And there are lymph nodes in the most important parts of the body, protecting tissues and organs from the penetration of infection and other foreign agents.

Pain in the lymph node is a signal of ill-being. In addition, such signs as elevated body temperature, redness and swelling of the skin above the painful knot can also be noted, and if the lymph node on the neck hurts, difficulty and pain when swallowing. Let's consider, owing to what factors the lymph node, located on the neck on the left under the jaw, can be ill.

The causes of soreness of the lymph node on the neck left under the jaw

By filtering the passing lymph from harmful impurities, the lymph nodes perform a continuous function, and if the load on them increases, their tissues increase and may become inflamed and hurt. Each lymph node is responsible for the organs located next to it, so that, with its painfulness, it is possible to assume where the pathological process is in the body. Therefore, if the patient complains that the left lymph node is inflamed under the jaw, it is likely that the pathology has affected one of the following sites:

These same organs can be affected when the right lymph node is aching under the jaw. The most common cause is the infectious process of bacterial or viral etiology, which can be both an acute illness and an exacerbation of the chronic. Rarely it is associated with the development of benign and malignant tumors located near a given lymph node or in itself.

What if I have a lymph node with a jaw?

With pain in the lymph node and its increase, regardless of location, it is not recommended to engage in self-medication. Only a specialist after the examination, carrying out the necessary tests and other diagnostic measures will be able to find out the exact cause and choose the treatment regimen. As a rule, pain in the lymph node is eliminated after curing the underlying disease. If the node's inflammation has passed into the purulent stage, surgical intervention will be required.