The syndrome of chronic fatigue - how to deal with the disease of the 21st century?

After intense intellectual work or heavy physical exertion, a healthy organism is quickly restored due to a full rest. If the symptoms of fatigue remain, this is a sign of a serious chronic illness.

What is SFU?

This pathology was first discovered a little more than 30 years ago in the United States. The syndrome of chronic (permanent) fatigue or CFS is characterized by a neurosis of the regulatory centers of the nervous system. This is due to the inhibition of the functions of the brain zone, which is responsible for inhibitory processes. The syndrome of chronic fatigue is a disease of the 21st century, caused by a high rate of life and a significant violation of biological rhythms, especially among inhabitants of megacities. Exacerbating the situation is excessive psychological and emotional stress, environmental degradation.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Causes

Etiology and pathogenesis have not yet been studied, physicians continue to look for factors that exactly cause the described disease. The most convincing is the theory of the infectious origin of the problem. Can cause chronic fatigue syndrome virus Epstein-Barra , Coxsackie and herpes of type 6. There is an assumption that pathology makes its debut on the background of an unidentified pathogen.

Other studies have linked chronic fatigue syndrome to such causes:

Chronic fatigue syndrome - symptoms

The main clinical manifestation of the presented disease is a feeling of severe fatigue, even if the day before the person slept and had a rest. The syndrome of chronic fatigue symptoms has the following:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Diagnosis

Identify the pathology in question is extremely difficult due to the fact that its symptoms are identical to many other diseases. Diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome is possible only after excluding all similar disorders. The main criterion for confirming this disease is a constant feeling of overwork, lasting more than half a year and not disappearing after rest, and the presence of 4-8 symptoms from the list above.

The syndrome of chronic fatigue in women is more common than in men, almost 2 times. The representatives of the fair sex are automatically at risk, they have more intense signs of CFS, so it is easier to diagnose pathology. Women, in addition to the already listed clinical manifestations, suffer from hormonal disorders and instability of the menstrual cycle.

Test for chronic fatigue syndrome

There is no single way to detect the described disease. You can suggest its presence by answering a few simple questions:

  1. The dream became restless and intermittent? Are there any difficulties with falling asleep?
  2. Is awakening hard? To bring yourself to tone in the morning, you need a cup of strong coffee or tea?
  3. In the middle of the working day, there is a sharp lack of strength and motivation? Do you have to make an effort to continue working?
  4. Appetite is constantly changing?
  5. Does the numbness of the feet and palms feel almost always cool?
  6. Do they often suffer from head, joint, muscle or heart pain?
  7. Every day there are mood worsening, uncaused irritability and depression, apathy?
  8. Reduces sexual desire?
  9. Does the organism react sharply to weather changes?
  10. Is the bowel work broken?

If the answers are in most or all of the positive, a chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is very likely at an early stage of progression. It is advisable immediately to consult a specialist for differential diagnosis and in parallel to begin to pay more attention to one's own health, to change the way of life and to balance the diet, to abandon any harmful habits.

Chronic fatigue syndrome - tests

There are no laboratory studies that confirm the development of pathology yet. Even if the factor that provoked the chronic fatigue syndrome is a virus, its detection is not a reason for making a diagnosis. In 2016, a blood test method was invented that provided detection of special markers (single nucleotide polymorphisms). Chronic fatigue syndrome is associated with the expression of these substances, so this study can serve as a method of determining the disease. The reliability of the new diagnostic technology is still being studied.

How to deal with chronic fatigue syndrome?

The key to successfully overcoming the described problem is an individual comprehensive approach and constant consultations with a doctor. How to cope with chronic fatigue syndrome:

Often even the correct and long-term use of these recommendations does not help to eliminate the chronic fatigue syndrome - treatment in such cases involves:

How to treat chronic fatigue syndrome medically?

Given the dramatic worsening of the body's defenses during the progress of the problem under consideration, many doctors offer therapy with neuroimmunoregulators. Based on the results of the studies, they help significantly alleviate the chronic fatigue syndrome - treatment with drugs from this group (Bromantan, Kemantan) provides a triple effect:

Vitamins in chronic fatigue syndrome

Several studies have revealed acute deficit of antioxidants and other nutrients in CFS patients. There is a theory that the syndrome of permanent or chronic fatigue can be treated with the help of taking dietary supplements (BAA):

This is not the most effective option, how to treat chronic fatigue syndrome. Improve the functioning of immunity and cope with the symptoms of the disease using only dietary supplements, it is impossible. To normalize the work of the protective system requires a comprehensive approach, including both vitamin therapy, and a significant correction of lifestyle, and drug treatment.

Chronic fatigue syndrome - folk remedies

In alternative medicine, there are many effective recipes based on natural raw materials, which produces a pronounced adaptogenic effect. Any natural remedy for the syndrome of chronic fatigue additionally stimulates the work of immunity and tones the body. Phytotherapy contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes and oxygen transport.

A simple recipe for a fortifying drink with CFS


Preparation, use :

  1. Fruits wash, lightly crush.
  2. Pour raw materials with boiling water, insist for 3 hours.
  3. Slightly warm the solution, add honey (optional).
  4. Drink 0.5 glasses four times a day.

Prescription of immunostimulating mixture


Preparation, use :

  1. Wash dried fruits and lemons (remove the bones first, but do not clean), and boil with boiling water.
  2. Grind the components using a meat grinder.
  3. Mix the resulting mass with honey.
  4. There are 1 tbsp. spoons of delicious medicine 3 times a day.

Prevention of chronic fatigue syndrome

Pathology is better to warn beforehand, than to treat already during active progression. How to get rid of the syndrome of chronic fatigue in the early stages or to prevent its occurrence:

  1. Learn the techniques of relaxation.
  2. Regularly engage in physical education.
  3. Refuse to smoke and alcohol.
  4. Normalize the regime of rest and work.
  5. Healthy food.