Ginger slimming mixture

Medicine, which is called non-traditional (although, in fact, it is based on traditions and customs), uses biologically active products to treat a variety of diseases. As a part of such products always the overestimated dosage of any certain vitamin or micronutrient is just such a high concentration and leads to recovery.

Today we are mainly engaged in the treatment of excess weight. Previously, there were much less problems with weight, the name of this kind of "diseases" was more sincere - disturbances in the current of bile, metabolic processes, intestinal work, etc. Overweight was only a symptom!

So today, for weight loss, we need a ginger mixture, which was previously actively used to accelerate metabolism .

Prepare the ginger mixture

Our mixture consists of ginger, honey and lemon. Not in vain it is also called ginger-lemon honey.

For cooking, you need a whole root of ginger, one lemon with skin and 3 tablespoons. honey. Ginger with lemon grind in a blender, add honey - all this must be mixed and placed in a jar. Keep the mixture should be in the refrigerator, adding daily a half teaspoon of ginger mixture in warm tea (but not hot).


The fact that a mixture of lemon, honey and ginger acts on weight loss is natural. All three products are famous for activating the metabolism, and in the kit they are even more effective.

It is especially pleasant to drink tea with ginger honey in the cold season. In summer, such honey can be dissolved in water at room temperature and drank in the morning on an empty stomach as a trigger for metabolic processes. In any case, the main thing is not to overdo it - although this honey is especially useful, but a day to exceed the dosage of 1 tsp. still not worth it.