Where to invest money on the Internet?

There is money and there is internet. But do not connect these two phenomena together? Many people asked such a question, and some even acted. After all, everyone wants his money to work and make a profit. But, unfortunately, today the number of accidents has increased, when the investing company evaporates after a certain time. This must be clearly understood, so that you do not have to bite your elbows.

Electronic money where to invest?

  1. Perhaps it will be safer to create your own project on the Internet. For example, an online store . Make a virtual "reality" your dream or hobby. You will become the owner of a small part of the Internet. Advertisers will contact you. They will offer a certain amount for advertising on your site. And you, in turn, can promote your site through them .
  2. Passive income is possible through mutual funds - Mutual Funds. These are funds that are managed by private companies.
  3. Bank accounts. But this is no longer true. The more time a deposit is kept in a bank, the higher your percentage of income.
  4. Issue loans through WebMoney. Huge risk.
  5. Hypes are high-yielding investment funds. The owners of these funds argue that they invest all their money exclusively in a highly profitable business. Therefore, investors receive high dividends. But, most likely, these are simple pyramids, which pay out the money of other investors. When necessary, the planned amount has arrived at the expense of the HYIP - the fund is being closed.
  6. To invest electronic money in the creation of new sites.
  7. Making bets on sports games.
  8. Gold (WMG). Gold is already buying gold for WebMoney. You will need to open a WMG account and wait for growth. The profit is low.
  9. Earn with Forex. Buy cheap - sell expensive.

So, this is almost all the options provided for where to invest Yandex money and other e-currency. Before making a choice, think. Because the money invested in dubious companies burn without a trace.