Eggs of guinea fowl - benefit and harm, how to cook cesarean eggs?

A relative of habitual hens and quail - guinea fowl - comes from Africa. Features of guinea eggs, the benefits and harms of this rare product may interest fans of a healthy diet, athletes, as well as those who suffer from lack of strength and vitamin deficiency.

Egg of guinea hen - useful properties

To understand what the eggs of guinea fowl are useful, you need to refer to their composition. The contents of chesary eggs should be eaten raw, so as not to lose valuable qualities of vitamins and mineral elements:

The value of the exotic guinea hen eggs, its benefits and harm is not only in the contents, but also in the shell. Due to the maximum strength and low porosity, the protein and egg yolk retains all the useful components without losses for six months. And besides, the shell itself is rich in calcium, iron, molybdenum, silicon, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, and sulfur. For better assimilation of these elements, the shell is recommended to grind to the state of powder and use 1 tsp each. together with breakfast. Before grinding the shell you need to cook for 5 minutes.

Guinea fowl eggs - composition

The main valuable components in the contents of cesarean eggs are concentrated in maximum quantities, protein and yolk contain very little water. The properties of guinea-fowl eggs are affected by a high content of proteins (12.7 g), ash (1.0 g) per 100 g of product, and a low amount of fats (0.6 g) and carbohydrates (0.6 g). Due to high nutritional quality, guinea hens are useful in the exhaustion of physical strength, anemia, pregnancy and during the period of feeding. It is recommended that cesarean eggs be included in the nutrition of athletes.

Is it possible to eat guinea fowls' eggs?

For the first time who bought an unusual product, the question may arise: how likely is the use of guinea-egg allergy? Doctors calmed these skeptics by the fact that cesarean eggs are low allergenic and extremely sharply cause negative reactions. They can be eaten even by small children, but preferably - in a cooked form. This product is contraindicated in diseases of the liver and kidneys. But the eggs of guinea fowl are recommended:

Nutritionists recommend caviar eggs for people who want to lose weight. In 100 g of cesarean eggs only 45 kcal, and the content of fats in the yolk is minimal. Losing weight, this product is also useful for high protein content: by eating only a couple of eggs you can provide the body with necessary amino acids for a long time and do not experience hunger. This fact is especially important for those who lose weight not only with the help of diet, but also engaged in fitness.

How to cook caviar eggs?

Very important information for those who want to taste guinea eggs - how much to cook this product, what to use. Since the shell of cesarean eggs is very hard and even withstands a fall from a height of 1.5-2 m, they need to be cooked longer than chicken. For cooking soft-boiled eggs, you need 5-6 minutes, for boiling hard-boiled - 10-12 minutes. A ready-made egg can be added to a salad, a filling for a sandwich or another dish.

Egg of guinea hens: comparison

Those who are interested in the answer to the question of how to distinguish the guinea fowl egg from a chicken egg, the following factors should be considered: