Vegans and vegetarians - differences

Differences between vegetarians and vegetarians should begin with an examination of the essence of each of the currents. So, to vegetarians it is possible to carry those people who have specially excluded food from their diet, killed for food purposes.

And the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian is that the latter can afford animal products (milk and dairy products, eggs, honey), and vegans deny themselves this. Veganism is a more rigid sequence of vegetarianism.

Reasons to become vegan or vegetarian

There are two main reasons for becoming vegan and vegetarian. The first is a banal desire to adhere to a healthy lifestyle , since it is believed that the rejection of meat positively affects the human body. The second reason is more complex and characterizes the fact that people are against the forcible exploitation of animals.

The difference between vegetarians and vegans is also that, according to statistics, most often, vegetarians become to improve the quality of life, and Vegans from principles based on universal humanism to animals.

Who is easier to become?

What different vegan from vegetarians are, is that it is much easier for vegetarians to live. The fact that they are allowed to eat dairy products and eggs greatly simplifies their life in the sense that these products practically cover all the missing elements vital to the human body.

Vegans have a different situation. The vegan will not be able to avoid various negative consequences for his health unless he carefully plans his diet (so that he can store all the necessary nutrients) and also take vitamin supplements in addition.

Which direction to choose?

This issue should be considered in two aspects. If you want to stop eating meat in order to become healthier, then, without superfluous thoughts, become a vegetarian. Their optimal diet really brings significant benefits to human health.

But in the event that you are overwhelmed by thoughts of an unfair attitude towards animals, then you are a direct road to veganism. But remember that in this case, you will have to prepare for the cardinal changes in life.