Dressing for Greek salad at home

The taste of Greek salad can be easily varied by dressing, having prepared it every time with a new recipe. Especially for you we offer a selection of the best variations of the addition to your favorite dish.

Classic refueling for Greek salad with olive oil - recipe



To prepare a classic dressing for a delicious Greek salad, you must have at least a quality olive oil. It is best to take a cold-pressed product, so the dressing will be especially colorful. To olive oil squeeze out the lemon juice and beat well with a whisk. From spices and spices a classic recipe allows only the use of oregano and thyme. Add them at the last moment of whipping, after which we leave the refueling for a few minutes to brew. Salt in such a gas station is used extremely rarely. Firstly, in the Greek salad there is a pickle cheese, which is quite salty and often compensates for the unpleasant taste of vegetables and dressings. And secondly, if there is still not enough salt, then it is better to sprinkle with her salad just before serving, so that the vegetables included in it do not have time to drown in their juices, which begin to separate intensively after contact with salt crystals.

Delicious dressing for Greek salad with balsamic vinegar - recipe



The option of filling with balsamic vinegar excludes the use of spices. It is enough only to mix it with olive oil, whip a little whisk and you can immediately sprinkle with the mixture obtained salad. It is better to immediately bring the food to the table.

How to make the most delicious dressing for a Greek salad with honey and garlic?



In this case, we will add refueling for Greek salad with garlic and honey. To do this, pour olive oil into a bowl, add lemon juice and whisk a little. Now we introduce a flower honey into the mixture. It must necessarily be liquid. We extrude also the peeled garlic denticles through the press to the remaining components and mix again and again with a little whisk.

Dressing for Greek salad at home with soy sauce



Initially, for the preparation of such a dressing, we combine in the bowl soy sauce and liquid flower honey and mix thoroughly until the latter dissolves. After that, squeeze the required amount of lemon juice into the mixture and mix again. Now add olive oil in small portions and beat the sauce well.

Dressing for Greek salad at home with basil



If you use fresh basil leaves and oregano for refueling, they must be rinsed, drained and put into the blender's container. After this, add olive oil, lemon juice, peeled garlic denticle, sweet mustard and add a pinch of ground black pepper. After grinding and mixing all components, the dressing is ready. When using dried herbs, it is necessary to mix all the liquid ingredients in a bowl, add a squeezed garlic clove and dried herbs, whip all the whisk and leave it for fifteen minutes to stand.