Dieffenbachia - influence on the person

Dieffenbachia is a decorative houseplant, which can often be found in residential buildings or in office buildings, as it is an excellent element of the decor of any interior. However, very few people know that this flower is by no means harmless. Many amateur flower growers say that the diffenbachia bears bad energy in the house, and is also a rather poisonous indoor plant . Let's try to find out whether the diffenbachah is really harmful and what impact it can have on a person?

Dieffenbachia - good and bad

Dieffenbachia is a beautiful flower, which is also able to bring tangible benefits. It is known that this plant contains phytoncides, which improve the chemical composition of air and clean it from harmful microorganisms. In addition, diffenbachia absorbs such toxic substances as formaldehyde, xylene, trichloro-tilene and benzene. That is why ecologists often recommend growing these plants in industries where a large number of toxins are released during the work process. In addition, diffenbachia contributes to the humidification of air, which has a beneficial effect on reducing the amount of dust in the room. It is also believed that this representative of the flora has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system of man.

Despite all the many useful properties, diffenbachia can seriously harm the human body. The thing is that the leaves and stems of the plant produce very toxic juice. As a result of contact with the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth, there may be severe swelling and irritation. Thus, the poisonous substance contained in the plant can provoke blindness, swelling of the tongue and even mute for a while.

Dieffenbachia - popular signs

The house plant diffenbahia in the people is famous as a muzhegon. In addition, that this plant "expels from the house a strong sex," it is believed that diffenbachia has a negative effect on the potency of men. So, according to folk signs, in a house where diffenbachia grows, married couples will not be able to acquire a posterity for a long time.

Is it possible to keep the diffenbachia at home?

Of course, there is no doubt that diffenbachia is poisonous. However, if you treat it correctly and follow certain precautions, the plant will not be able to cause a significant harm to the health of an adult. Therefore, it is recommended that gloves be used during the care of the diffenbachia, after each procedure, wash hands thoroughly with soap and prevent the plant juice from entering the mucous membranes and skin.

Of course, if the house has a small child, there is a probability that he wants to taste the flower. In this case, the consequences can be much stronger than in an adult. Therefore, in this case it is better not to risk and remove the dangerous plant away or completely get rid of it.

In addition, diffenbahia is deadly dangerous for pets, especially cats. An animal that has bitten the leaf of this plant, simply can not breathe because of the strongest laryngeal edema. However, do not forget that cats are pretty wise and try to bypass the dangerous plant side.

Proceeding from all of the above, we can conclude that diffenbachia is not as harmful as it is told, but its benefits are clearly underestimated. The main thing is to treat it properly, take care of it and keep it away from children. Well, and believe everything or not - decide, of course, you.