Glowing beach

On one of the Maldivian islands, the azure water is highlighted by a myriad of bright points. This picture captivates every tourist, and in ancient times around the coast, myths and legends were composed. This area is called the Glowing Beach or Sea of ​​Stars (Star of the Stars) and is located on the island of Vadhu . It can be seen even from outer space.

Description of sight

In the morning and in the afternoon the coast does not stand out against the background of the rest in the country. Palm trees grow here, the water has azure color, and the sand is snow-white. With the onset of dusk on the beach, there are very small lights of a blue hue, which combine in a fairytale glow.

It is the result of living in the Indian Ocean of phytoplankton (Lingulodinium Polyedrum), called dinoflagellates. Glow on the beach is a rather complex chemical process, which is called luminescence.

Organisms fall to the coast at high tide. Some of them remain on the sand, where bright luminous spots form, while others float along the coast and participate in the general picture of "magic."

Neon glow occurs when a unicellular microorganism is activated (for example, if one touches them). Algae here are also bioluminescent (eg, nocturnal), so they react to the stimulus and leave a luminous trace behind them.

The luminescence process

In order for the coast to sparkle with thousands of lights, it is necessary to activate the electric impulse. The charge rushes to the inner cell of the body (vacuoles), which is a membrane vial of protons. Between them they are connected by a luciferase enzyme. In this way, ion channels that activate light are opened. Usually this happens when mechanical action occurs when:

Bathing on the glowing beach

Travelers who first came to this area, the landscape is not just fascinating, but beckoning to swim in unusual glowing water. Swim in the waters of this beach is dangerous for human health and life, because microorganisms produce strong toxic substances. For this reason, come to the coast just to see the unusual scenery.

Features of visit

If you want to make fabulous photos on the glowing beach in the Maldives , then you need to come here from July to February. Particularly bright organisms shine on a moonless night. The dark sky contributes to the creation of an amazing effect of bioluminescence.

For a brighter glow you will need to sprinkle the water with your feet to leave unusual marks on the sand. Hundreds of tourists come here daily. The entrance to the beach is free, and you need to come to it after 18:00.

How to get there?

Answering the question about where the glowing beach is located, it should be said that it is located on the island of Vaadhoo (Vaadhoo) in the Maldives. Almost throughout the entire land area, one can see luminescence. You can get there with an organized excursion or on your own. To do this, you need to rent a boat.