Wiping the child with vodka at a temperature of

Opposition of folk methods and medicines advertised from TV screens, every time arises, when the baby starts to hurt. It is especially difficult to assess the present state of things when a child's fever rises. Is it possible to wipe the child with vodka - a question that every mother was worried about in her time.

Wiping with vodka at high temperature - to be or not to be?

In such a situation, it is difficult to orientate, because even physicians have split into two camps: one in the old manner is strongly recommended to knock down heat by rubbing, others are completely sure of the harm and danger of such a method.

Before you wipe the child with vodka, it is worth learning about the principle of this method. Due to the rapid evaporation of alcohol or vodka, heat transfer significantly increases, which contributes to a rapid temperature drop. This is precisely the danger of rubbing the baby with vodka at a temperature. If you lower it too quickly, it can lead to vasospasm. As a result, heat loss will cease altogether, but the temperature of all internal organs opposite will increase markedly. In addition, the skin always absorbs everything that it gets.

On the other hand, the method is really tested and never fails. That is why before you wipe the child with vodka, weigh all the pros and cons. It is better not to allow the increase to a critical level and immediately take the natural methods of reducing heat: to strip the crumbs and provide cool moist air, let them drink as little as possible in small portions.

Wiping with vodka at the temperature of the child: when there is no other way

Even if this method is dangerous in your eyes, sometimes you have to resort to it. If you do not have antipyretic drugs at hand, you will have to use alcohol with vodka. How to dilute vodka for wiping: take water at room temperature and pour into it as much vodka or alcohol. Next, gently rub the body, avoiding the face and genitals. But you can use this method in extreme cases.