Golden root - medicinal properties and contraindications

Rhodiola rosea is called the golden root because of the interesting color of the rhizomes of the plant, reminiscent of a precious metal with a reddish tinge and pearlescent shine. Another name, Tibetan or Siberian ginseng is due to the unique abilities of the Rhodiola to stimulate the human body, to fill the body with energy and vivacity. Therefore, in folk medicine, the golden root is valued and carefully studied - the medicinal properties and contraindications of perennial, its chemical composition, side effects, effective recipes for the treatment of diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular system.

The healing properties of the golden root or Rhodiola rosea

The main positive effect of using Siberian ginseng is achieved due to a combination of the following biologically active substances in its roots:

The main therapeutic effect of using funds based on the golden root is considered to be the stimulation of the nervous system. Due to this, physical and mental capabilities are increased, the ability to concentrate and memorize increases, muscle tone and endurance increase, and without weight gain.

Moreover, rhodiola rosea corrects the processes of energy metabolism in the body, including the brain. This provides an improvement in the resistance of cells and neurons to various negative external influences, including stress. Disappears chronic anxiety and fatigue, anxiety and unreasonable fear, the sleep is fully normalized.

In addition to the main properties mentioned, Tibetan ginseng produces such positive effects:

But the plant in question is necessary not only to maintain health, it helps women to preserve beauty and youth.

Useful properties of the golden root in cosmetology

Rhodiola rosea is widely used to increase the tone of a fading, dry, flabby and aging skin. If you daily wipe your face with a homemade infusion based on this perennial (1 tsp root for 1 cup boiling water), the skin quickly acquires a healthy appearance and color, its relief gradually leveled, and fine wrinkles are smoothed.

It is equally useful to rinse the hair with this remedy. This will give them a silky shine, volume, make it more docile and thick.

Application of the golden root and contraindications to its use

Diseases, from which it is recommended to take tinctures or decoctions of Tibetan ginseng, are very numerous:

Contraindications to the means of the golden root are limited to the following states: