Wheat germ oil - application

Recently, it has become fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle, using only those products that are based on natural ingredients. People "remembered" that our nature is a real storehouse with which you can solve most of your problems: for example, get rid of allergies caused by aggressive chemicals, strengthen immunity without the intervention of synthetic drugs, and, of course, make your appearance even better without artificial "thermonuclear" agents, which have a lot of side effects and often irritate and burn the skin.

One of the soft but effective natural remedies that help to improve the skin is wheat germ oil, which now, fortunately, is being used in cosmetology more and more often.

Useful properties of wheat germ oil

This oil contains many useful substances:

Judging by the composition, the cosmetic oil of wheat germs can indeed become a serious competitor to expensive cosmetic products, which are aimed at smoothing wrinkles, increasing skin turgor, lightening pigment spots and removing swelling.

Wheat germ oil for face

First of all, it must be said that the oil is absolutely non-toxic, so it can be used daily: inside and outside.

1. Wheat germ oil for eyelashes. To approach the ideal of beautiful eyelashes like that of Malvina, without resorting to artificial methods, then, of course, they need to be fed daily. Wheat germ oil is ideal for this, especially if you use mascara daily. To strengthen the eyelashes, you need to remove eye make-up every day with this oil, and after washing it off, take it and rub it with your fingers in the eyelashes. Naturally, this procedure is done before bedtime.

When to wait for the effect? After a few days, the eyelashes will become brighter and will become thicker, and after a few weeks - longer.

2. Oil of wheat germ from wrinkles. There is one mask with wheat germ oil, which very much nourishes the dermis and is useful not only for dry, flabby skin with wrinkles, but also for any other, especially in winter. It should be done before bedtime: mix ½ tsp. shea butter and 1 tbsp. l. oils from wheat germ, then mix the ingredients and apply to the face for 15-20 minutes under a cotton napkin. For the whitening effect, you can add a few drops of lemon juice, but it neutralizes some useful substances of both oils.

When to wait for the effect? The skin will change instantly, but for a dry skin the mask is useful 2 times a week, and for a fat one - 1 time in 2 weeks.

3. Oil of wheat germ from acne. Any oil from acne should be used gently, so that it does not clog the pores even harder. The next mask will "pull out" pores from the pores and at the same time will not dry the skin, and those inflammations that are, "calms down": take 1 tsp. green clay, dilute it with wheat germ oil to a creamy condition and apply on the face this mixture for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with water.

When to wait for the effect? After several such procedures, the skin will become milder, and the inflammation will be localized and then disappear.

Wheat germ oil for body

1. Oil of wheat germ for nails. To strengthen the nails daily, rub undiluted oil into the nail plates for 1 week. In this period, you can not use the varnish, as it dries your nails. For best effect, follow the procedure after the bath.

2. Wheat germ oil from stretch marks. Unfortunately, those stretch marks, whose "age" is more than six months, difficult to clean without surgery. But if they still have a pinkish color, then you can try to smooth the situation by daily rubbing the oil in the problem areas: it is likely that the skin can recover, because the oil is rich in useful substances.

3. Oil of wheat germ from cellulite. From cellulite is best to massage with this oil every other day: it can can massage or with a special anti-cellulite nozzle, which has blunt incisors that contribute to the acceleration of blood circulation. This oil will help to avoid stretch marks with sudden changes in the skin, increasing its turgor.