Grass belladonna

Grass belladonna is a plant that is also called a wolf berry or belladonna. It is one of the most poisonous to humans, and animals eat it without any harm. But at the same time, the leaves of this plant have medicinal properties. They contain hyoscine, hyoscyamine, oxicoumarins, flavonoids, and some micro- and macroelements.

Useful properties of belladonna

The herb belladonna has many useful properties. Medicines based on this plant:

The use of herb belladonna is indicated for peptic ulcer and cholelithiasis. It helps to fight spasms of smooth muscles of various organs of the abdominal cavity and eliminates renal and biliary colic. Use the extract of belladonna and for treatment:

In folk medicine, this plant is added to the drug used in the complex therapy of Parkinson's disease.

The recipe for broth


Grind the roots of belladonna and activated charcoal. Stir them, add wine and boil for 10 minutes. The broth is carefully filtered and taken three times a day for 5 ml.

Peculiarities of the use of belladonna

Poisonous grass belladonna is contraindicated in those with:

When an overdose of various preparations of belladonna, the patient may experience dizziness, intestinal atony and psychomotor agitation. In some cases there is hyperemia of the skin of the eyelids, dry mouth and urine retention. In severe cases, patients develop symptoms of tachycardia. Once you notice these signs of an overdose, you should immediately stop taking drugs with this plant.

Also, during the treatment of belladonna, patients should be extremely cautious when performing any work that requires good vision or increased concentration, and when driving vehicles.