Medunica - medicinal properties

Medunitsa grows mainly in European countries and has more than 14 species. One of them - medicinal medynitsa - has medicinal properties that help get rid of many ailments.

Plant composition

Medunitsa is a perennial plant from the family of borage plants. The leaves of the plant have a rough surface. At the end of the stem are small flowers, which at the beginning of flowering have a pinkish color, and at the end turn blue. Flowering period is in March-April. Healing properties of lungwort many doctors call into question, but, nevertheless, its use in some drugs is quite popular.

The plant contains the following chemical components:

Due to such a rich composition, the mediunist enjoyed immense popularity earlier and undoubtedly will be actively used in the future.

Medunitsa - useful properties and contraindications

Medunica, whose properties are based on a rich composition of trace elements and a large amount of mucus copes well with the following problems:

The plant has a diaphoretic and diuretic property and also perfectly anesthetizes. The components that make up it contribute to the normalization of metabolism and increase the protective functions of the body.

Herb larva has useful properties that promote the acceleration of the treatment of malignant neoplasms, as well as the restoration of sexual function. Often decoctions of this herb are used for women's diseases. Given this medicinal property of the lungwort, as an expectorant effect, it is actively used in treatment:

In the treatment can apply as flowers, and leaves or stems of the plant.

Preparations from this plant are successfully treated:

The recipe is infusion from the lungwort:

  1. It is necessary to take 2 spoons of shredded shoots of a lungwort and pour half a liter of boiled water.
  2. Infuse for two hours. Then strain.
  3. Take 30 minutes before meals half a glass three times a day.

Such a decoction can be prepared and insisted in a thermos bottle. It helps with colitis, gastritis, diarrhea and urolithiasis. You can rinse the oral cavity with this product after eating or during bleeding gums or flux.

Useful properties of Medunica are also used in cosmetology, for example, to strengthen and strengthen hair growth.

Contraindications to the use of larvae

Medunica, which has medicinal properties, also has contraindications, which are worth knowing about. So, for example, it can not be used by pregnant and lactating women. Also, do not give infusions on the basis of lungwort children up to three years and people with increased sensitivity to this plant. If there is a problem with increased blood coagulability or atony of the stomach, then the use of this plant is excluded. It is important to remember that you should not drink decoction from the lungwort on an empty stomach, as this can cause an attack of nausea or even vomiting. It is worth noting that people suffering from constipation, treatment with medications on the basis of lungwort is not recommended, since it can only exacerbate the existing problem.