Birch buds - medicinal properties

If you have purchased birch buds, the medicinal properties of the product will be evaluated from the first days of application. However, knowing the features of its use, there may be a desire to collect and prepare birch buds on their own. It is a cure for a variety of diseases and an excellent cosmetic.

Useful properties of birch buds

The use of birch buds is due to the large number of active substances in the composition. It is a high-grade vitamin complex that will help to cope with winter avitaminosis. In addition, the kidneys are rich in resins, tannic and bitter substances that stimulate the extraction of bile and sputum from the lungs and bronchi. But the main secret of the healing properties of birch buds is the unique combination of saponins, phytoncides and organic acids. The former have a diuretic and choleretic effect, the latter have strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, while others are responsible for the regeneration and repair of damaged cells. As a result, birch buds are an excellent remedy for the following diseases:

How to treat birch buds?

Before you start treatment, you should make sure that the kidneys are well dried and stored for no longer than two years - the shelf life of the medication is quite short. Before using them it is best to grind in a coffee grinder, so useful substances will be better absorbed. Most often, birch buds are used as a decoction. It is suitable for both internal and external use. Prepare a decoction of birch buds by the following recipe:

  1. Take 4-5 full tablespoons of powder from the kidneys;
  2. Pour 1 cup of boiling water and cook on low heat for 5 minutes.
  3. Cover and leave to stand for 4-5 hours.
  4. Ready-made broth should be stored in the refrigerator, it is suitable for use during the week.

The medicine is ready, now let's discuss how to use it for various diseases.

With a dry, prolonged cough, it is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of broth 3 times a day before meals. You can add a little honey to it, so that the taste is more pleasant. If the cough is accompanied by pain in the throat, or sore throat, it is necessary to gargle with a solution of warm water and a decoction one to one.

In diseases of the digestive tract, take 2 hours of a spoonful of broth 4 times a day. Before using the product, it is advisable not to eat for half an hour. The healing properties of birch buds will show up in a few days. The course of admission is 7-10 days.

To treat skin diseases, wounds, cuts, rheumatic pains and arthritis, it is necessary to use a compress made of birch buds. Soak the cloth in a broth, warmed to a temperature of 30-40 degrees, and cover the place of damage. It is good to leave the compress for 20-30 minutes, but sometimes enough and 10-15.

The healing properties of birch buds are not subject to doubt, but there are medications and contraindications. It can not be used by pregnant women, who suffer from urinary tract diseases and kidney failure.

For the soul and for the body

Useful properties of birch buds are also actively used in cosmetology. If you freeze the broth and wipe your face with ice cubes, the skin condition will improve significantly, fine wrinkles will disappear, the relief of the face will equalize, the scars and post-acne will become less noticeable.

For hair, birch buds are also useful. If after washing, rinse your head with a decoction of them, diluted with water in the proportion of one to three, then you can stop falling out and accelerate the growth of hair. Birch buds make them shiny and silky.