Temperature after DTP vaccination

Today we will get acquainted with the concept of "DTP vaccination" , we will find out when and why it should be done. We will discuss whether such a phenomenon as the temperature after the DTP vaccination is normal and what should be done by the parents in this case and how many days after the DTP the temperature is kept.

What is DTP?

For those who are not yet familiar with this vaccination, we will decipher the concept of DTP. It is a complex pharmaceutical preparation for the prevention of such diseases as pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus. After the introduction of DTP, there will be a temperature, what should the district doctor tell you in this case, but we will also give some advice in this article.

Why should a baby be vaccinated if there is often a high fever after a DPT vaccination?

Pertussis is even today a widespread and very dangerous disease with its consequences. It can cause brain damage, pneumonia and even lethal effect (death). Diphtheria and tetanus are terrible infections with serious consequences. All over the world, drugs such as DTP are administered to prevent such diseases. It is necessary to know that the high temperature after DTP is not the deterioration of the baby's health, but the indicator that the baby's organism starts to fight with the infection and produces antibodies.

When should DPT vaccine be administered and how many times should I administer the vaccine?

For the first time to begin the formation of immunity to diseases, the vaccine should be introduced in 3 months. To form residual immunity to terrible diseases (whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria) the child requires a total of 4 drug administration: at 3, 4, months, half a year and after the year the last fourth dose. A rise in temperature after each subsequent DTP vaccination is normal. This is due to the amount of accumulated antibodies in the body.

How to prepare for the introduction of the vaccine?

First of all, when you receive the vaccination, your baby should be completely healthy. If you notice the slightest signs of food allergies, a runny nose, swollen gums before teething, it is better to delay the introduction of the drug. In such cases, the child often has a temperature after DTP. Some pediatricians advise before each vaccination to take a blood test to determine in time the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. In any case, a full examination of the child by a doctor before vaccination is mandatory! And after the introduction of the vaccine immediately give crumb antiallergic drug to reduce the manifestations of body reactions.

Implications of vaccine administration

Perhaps, 6-8 hours after the DPT vaccine was given, you will notice the temperature rise. This is an ordinary vaccine reaction. There are three types of body reaction:

With a weak and moderate reaction, it is not necessary to "knock down" the temperature. Often, drink baby vodichko, let the breast on demand, you can give an antihistamine drug , if not given it before and after the introduction of the vaccine. Attention, you need to ask the doctor for the dosage of the medicine!

If you are wondering how much the temperature keeps after DTP, we answer: no more than three days. In 70% of cases, it lasts only 1 day - on the day when the vaccine was introduced. During these three days, you should not bathe a child, just wipe it with wet napkins. You will be able to observe and local reaction to the inoculation: reddening and condensation of the skin at the point of introduction of the vaccine. This is also normal for 3-5 days the trail will disappear.

If, after the first DTP vaccination, the fever has risen to 40 degrees, it is advisable to call an ambulance and give the baby an antipyretic . In consequence of such children, the DTP vaccine will not be reintroduced, it will be replaced by ADT with toxoid.