Cinchia - growing from seeds

An exquisite Mexican beauty of cynicism belongs to the family of astroves. Cultivated it for several centuries. Most often, cinnamon is used to decorate beds, cottages, curbs, but it can also be grown as a houseplant. Plant breeders have produced a variety of species and varieties of zinnia, which differ from each other in shape, size and color of the flower. There are flowers of orange, red, pink, bright yellow and other shades. Cultivates varieties of cinnamon cacti, terry, dahlias.

Flowers of cinia - planting and care

Care for the cynicism is completely not complicated. It is a very thermophilic plant, actively responding to bright light and free space around itself. Therefore, when growing a house cinch you need to provide around the pot with the flower as much free space as possible. To obtain beautiful bright inflorescences of cinnamon, nutrient soil is necessary. Watering the cynia likes moderate, without stagnating water. However, drying also has a disastrous effect on the flowering of the plant: the flowers are shallow and the plant may even die.

Sowing seedling for seedlings

As a rule, it is not difficult to grow seed from seed. Sowing zini occurs in spring, late March or early April. Before this time, the seeds are sown on the stands: the shoots will outgrow and grow strongly, and those planted in the soil will long take root and ache. The seeds of cynia look quite large, therefore, they are sown in boxes or pots to a depth of about 1 cm. They germinate quickly, for about 5-6 days. After the seeds have risen, they must be dived: transplant the resulting seedling seedling into other pots. In one pot should grow no more than three seedlings. After picking and before planting the seedlings on a permanent place, they are fed two to three times with fertilizers.

Sow the seeds of zinnia can be in a greenhouse or a greenhouse. This can somewhat accelerate the onset of their flowering.

Very useful zakalivanie seedlings of zinnia: for several hours a day it must be taken out on the street or on an open balcony.

It should be remembered that seedlings can be planted in open ground only in sufficiently warm soil and only after the threat of morning frost passes. Most often this happens in May. The distance between planted plants should be about 30-35 cm.

The grown plants should be pinched over the third and fourth leaves to form a beautiful bush of cynia.

Planted seedlings of cynia should be regularly watered and fed with complex fertilizers.

It is possible to grow cinnamon from seeds sown immediately to the open ground.

Sowing zinc in the ground

Seed the seeds of zinc in the soil can only be after the return cold. Seeds are laid to a depth of about 5 cm, into the nests for several pieces. Seedlings will appear about a week later. After the seedlings grow by 10 cm, it must be weeded out so that one plant stands about 35 cm from the other. After this, it is necessary to feed the young cyniids complex fertilizers .

In order to prevent the freezing of young shoots of chinia, before the establishment of warm weather, they must be covered with a special covering material. When sowing cynia immediately into the open ground, its bloom begins much later: at the end of July.

If you want to collect the seeds of the zini, then, as a rule, it is easy: wait until the seed boxes mature and get a brownish color, and take out the dry seeds from them. However, remember that the seeds you collected may not grow the plant that you expect to see.