Hair loss in children

Noticing on the nape of the child's outlined bald head, many newly-made parents begin to panic about hair loss in their newborns. And they can be understood, because we all dream that our baby was the most beautiful, healthy and happy. I want to reassure such vigilant mothers and dads: there is absolutely nothing to worry about, a crumb who spends most of the day lying, rubs her head against a pillow, thereby losing a part of her hair that will surely recover within a year.

However, it sometimes happens that the hair falls out at the child's foci, or the whole head - in this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely diagnosis of the disease is the key to successful treatment.

Types of alopecia

There are 2 types of alopecia (alopecia) in children - focal and atrophy. With focal alopecia, the child's hair climbs, forming "nests" - smooth rounded areas of the skin without hair. It is worth noting that if you do not start treatment on time, the foci will merge into a single bald spot. Atrophic alopecia is different in that, on the affected areas of the skin, hair restoration, unfortunately, is no longer possible.

Causes of Alopecia

Asked by the question: "Why does the hair fall out in children?", The doctors came to the conclusion that this is almost always the result of some pathological process in the child's body. Here are some of the most common reasons:

Methods of treatment

Hair loss in children is treatable if the diagnosis was not only true, but also timely. Modern medicine has stepped far ahead and therefore every kid has a chance of recovery. The course and methods of treatment depend, first of all, on the cause of hair loss in children. The most commonly prescribed exposure to ultraviolet radiation, various multivitamins, injections of aloe and others. Babies are constantly under the control of a dermatologist, most of them are cured within a year.

Be attentive to your children, and if you notice that the child has a drop of hair, then immediately consult a doctor to avoid unnecessary problems in the future. The best prevention of focal hair loss in children is periodic observation in the pediatrician, dermatologist, ENT, as well as avoiding frequent head washing in infants.