Fizminutki for preschoolers

In recent years, there has been increasing problems with the growth and physical development of preschool children. Parents, keen on methods of early intellectual development, often forget to pay enough attention to physical development. Negatively affects mobility and leisure - an increasing number of children and adults prefer computer games to active games in reality.

Why do we need fizminutki?

If your child spends a lot of time sitting, drawing, writing, modeling, reading, you may have noticed that after a certain period of time attention becomes diffused, the child is constantly distracted and it is difficult to focus on the subject of activity. This indicates that he is tired and he needs a change in principle. Therefore, take for yourself the rule of carrying out exercise exercises for preschoolers every time when there is a need.

What is a fiziminutka?

Fiziminutka is a small complex of physical exercises accompanied by rhymes or songs. The task of such an engine pause is to remove the tension that arises from forced immobility, the prevention of overwork. In addition, motor activity contributes to the saturation of the brain with oxygen and, as a result, increased efficiency, attention, mental activity. Physical exercises in this case should allow the body to take a position opposite to the one in which it was in the classroom. So, for example, if a child was sitting with his legs bent in the knee and hip joints, his head lowered, then the physical training should include the movements of the syu. straightened legs and head lifted.

Motor physs can be accompanied by simple memorable poems, the text of which, as it were, tells the baby what to do and how to move on. In addition, these speech physs are useful for memory - after a while you will notice that the kid himself already utters the words. For especially active fidgets, you can spend musical physs for preschoolers, performing a set of exercises for cheerful music or a fun song.

Pisiminutki for preschoolers in verse

Here are a couple of examples of exercises and companions and verses in order to diversify motor breaks for your baby and make them more fun.

At the watering place

The animals went to the watering place.

Behind his moose moose stomped losenok (Go stamping loudly)

A fox crawled behind the fox mama , (Crouching on socks)

Behind my mother, a hedgehog, the young man rolled, (Squat, slowly move forward)

Behind his mother, a bear was a bear cub,

Squirrels were squeezing behind my mother squirrel, (They gallop off to the squat.)

Behind my mother-rabbit is a slanting lynx, (They jump on their straight legs)

The wolf led the wolf with her, (They go on all fours)

All mothers and children want to get drunk. (Face in a circle, make movements in language - "lap")

Physiognotics for older preschool children are less dynamical, more focused on the muscles of the hands and the visual apparatus, because at this age, as a rule, the toddler is actively preparing for school and his hands and eyes are very tired from the unusually heavy load of reading and writing. For effective rest you can use the following exercises:

These are my assistants

These are my helpers.

(Show fingers)

As you want, turn them.

(Turn the palms up and down)

Along the path white, smooth

Jumping fingers like horses.

(Fingers hold on the other hand)

Chok, Chok, Chok,

Chok, Chok, Chok -

(Two fingers of one hand "jump" on the other hand)

The quick-moving herd climbs.

(Repeat with the other hand)

Solar Bunnies

We wrote, we wrote,

Our fingers are tired.

You download, fingers,

Like sunbeams.

Jump-skok, jump-skok.

Rushed to the meadow.

The wind sways the grass,

Left, right inclines.

Do not be afraid of the wind,

Have fun on the lawn.

Children come up with a line of gestures depicting the movements of the bunnies.