Preparing lilies for winter - trim time

In almost every flower garden you can find these unpretentious beauties - lilies of all kinds of coloring. Care on them is quite simple, and in some ways similar to the care of other bulbous. Just to prepare the lilies for the winter, you need to choose the trim time so that in the next season they can again decorate themselves with a garden or flower garden.

When to trim lilies for winter?

In autumn, pruning lilies are carried out depending on the terrain in which these delicious flowers grow. As a rule, they do it before closing the planting for the winter period, in order to protect the bulbs from freezing. In the southern regions, shelter is not done, but in the north laying lapnikom pine or spruce over plants that winter in the land is very important.

Crop each lily almost to the ground level, but in order not to lose where the flowers are planted, you can leave a small stump. This is done with a pruner with sharp blades.

Carry pruning carefully, because often a fairly thick stalk is not cut at a time and pulling the pruner can accidentally pull the tuber from the ground. If such a trouble occurs, then dig a sufficiently deep hole in this place, and plant the plant again, slightly watering for early rooting.

Pruning lilies for the winter and their shelter takes very little time from the florist, but with what pleasure he will be able to admire the fruits of his labors for the next year, when they again bloom.

Pruning lilies after flowering

Not every amateur florist knows that lilies need to be pruned not only before winter, but also after flowering. This is done so that the plants do not form testes with seeds and all forces go to build up the corms.

In order to trim the discolored lily, you will need a secateur again, because when you break off your hands you can injure the plant, it will be enough to cut only 5 centimeters.