Isla del Pescado

Isla del Pescado (Isla del Pescado) is one of the most original sights of Bolivia . If you look at it from a bird's eye view, it becomes clear that its outlines are very similar to floating fish. The island is located in the southern part of the plateau Altiplano, in the center of the giant salt desert of Uyuni . Find it without a guide to an uninitiated traveler will be quite difficult: the desert area reaches 10 thousand square meters. km, while the size of the islet does not exceed a couple of square kilometers.

Characteristics of the island

This island has a very ancient origin, representing the top of the volcano, consisting of volcanic tuff. Isla del Pescado is raised over the desert surface by approximately 100 m. Its length is 2.5 km and its width is 1.3 km. Once the island was at the bottom of the lake, as evidenced by the petrified remains of corals.

On a tiny island there is practically no vegetation, but it was occupied by giant cacti. Tourists are impressed by their height, often reaching 10-12 m. Local cacti are real long-livers: some of them are more than 1000 years old. You can try to determine the age of the plant on your own, since the cactus traditionally grows by only a centimeter per year.

If you visit the island shortly before the rainy season, beginning in September-October, you can admire the amazingly large yellow-white flowers appearing on cacti. Also you will be interested to learn that life here was born long before the first visit of Europeans. This is evidenced by the ancient ruins of the Incan settlements and the traces of the mysterious civilization of Tiwanaku , for the study of which archaeological excavations are conducted on the island.

In this area there are several families permanently engaged in the cultivation of lamas. For tourists there are pedestrian paths and even a toilet. Guests of Bolivia also have a café and a gift shop. The cost of the excursion around the island is 15 boliviano.

How to get to the island?

The easiest way to get to Isla del Pescado from the city of La Paz , which has an airport. From here, you can reach the Uyuni Desert by car or take a bus to Oruro (the trip takes 3 hours), and then transfer to Uyuni (it's worth getting ready for a seven-hour trip). The final stretch of travel through the salt desert, you have to do only in a jeep, which can be rented from local residents.