Growing Feijoa at Home

The popularity of tropical fruits in our time is not decreasing, but only gaining momentum. Today, it is very popular to grow at home all sorts of overseas fruits, including feijoa . Let's find out about the peculiarities of this interesting process.

How to grow a house plant feijoa?

First, let's talk about what this exotic plant is. It comes from the myrtle family and is a small (up to 1 m in height) evergreen shrub. Its appearance is rather unattractive, and all the value of feijoa is in its unique fruits, which have a characteristic aroma and bright green coloring. Fruit is very useful - it is easily digested, has a tonic effect, increases immunity, normalizes metabolism in the body. Nutritionists recommend eating feijoa with chronic gastritis, pyelonephritis, atherosclerosis, Graves' disease, thyroid problems.

But to get the fruits of feijoa at home, you can not earlier than 4-5 years, if you plan to grow it from seeds or rooted twigs. Therefore, in advance, arm yourself with knowledge about caring for feijoa at home, so that this plant later pleased you with beautiful and tasty fruit.

The main thing when growing a feijoa home is to create conditions for it that are closest to natural ones. Since in nature this plant grows in the tropics and subtropics, it is not afraid of bright light. Place the flower pot on the sunny windowsill. Consider that with a lack of light feijoa will not bloom and bear fruit.

As for the soil, it must be nutritious and friable. When planting, do not forget to provide the plant with good drainage. To water feijoa should be regular and abundant, so that the roots of the plant receive a sufficient amount of water. Obligatory and frequent fertilizing with the use of complex fertilizers, horse manure, superphosphate.

Transplant feijoa should be annually in the first three years of plant life, then - only as necessary. It should be done in the spring, at the same time replacing the soil with fresh and more fertile soil.

In winter, the ideal location for the plant will be a glazed balcony with a temperature of + 10-12 ° C. With this wintering, the irrigation frequency should be reduced, but not completely eliminated.

Reproduction feijoa - it's not an easy thing. It refers to hard-rooted plants, which also do not take root well. The most common propagation is by cuttings, by the radical shoots, and by the seed method.