Kobei climbing

Among gardeners, two varieties of climbing kobei are very popular - with bright purple and delicate white flowers. Lyubov dacha lovers won this liana with their decorative qualities, the growth rate and the ability to completely cover the vertical surface with thick and juicy greens.

Cobra creeping - features of reproduction

The process of cultivation can be divided into two main stages: germination of seeds and planting of finished seedlings in the ground. Let's consider step by step how correctly to grow up a vine to kobeju.

  1. Start work should be in the very beginning of spring. Put the gauze folded several times at the bottom of the pan and pour it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. We spread the seeds on this gauze a short distance from each other. We wrap the tray with the planting material in polyethylene.
  2. Put the tray with a warm and bright place.
  3. If through time the seeds are covered with a layer of mucus, they should be washed in a solution of potassium permanganate and again laid on a new layer of gauze. Unfortunately, we have to work exclusively with the purchased planting material, since in our latitudes the seeds simply do not ripen.
  4. The seeds of the Kobei climbing flower germinate for about 20 days. Then they can be transplanted into shared pots.
  5. We fill the pots with a diameter of 8 cm with a loose and light substrate. Plant the planting material to a depth of one and a half centimeters. After the appearance of the first sheet, each seedling is transferred to a separate pot and a peg is inserted so that the liana can curl.
  6. The next stage of cultivation of climbing kobei is to prepare seedlings for planting in the ground. For two or three weeks, gradually harden the seedlings by putting pots on the balcony at night. In the last week you should fully move the seedlings to the balcony, provided there is no frost.
  7. Plant kobeju creeping into the open ground can be at the very end of April - early May. During this period, the earth is already quite warm.
  8. For care and cultivation of the kobei, choose a sunny and well protected from the wind place. Remember that this is a tropical plant and in conditions of constant shading bloom will not be so violent.
  9. In the pits for planting it is necessary to pour a mixture of turf, humus and peat. Then the plants are planted directly with an earthen lump.

Kobei winding - how to care?

From the very first day after disembarkation into the open ground, you should carefully look after the liana. Be sure to prepare the supports so that the plant can curl. Liana Kobei needs regular watering. In a dry summer, constantly monitor the soil and do not let it dry up. At the same time, try to loosen the soil and prevent rotting roots.

At the beginning of cultivation the plant is in a phase of active growth and needs abundant application of fertilizing. During this period, it is necessary to introduce nitrogen fertilizers, during the formation of buds, we turn to the additional addition of potassium with phosphorus.

After the appearance of the first leaf, experts advise treating the plant with a humate. To achieve lush greenery in the shortest possible time, you can also resort to the method of system fertilizer. Every week, we are alternating mineral and organic fertilizer.

Kobei climbing is susceptible to attacks of spider mites and aphids. Continually inspect the leaflets for the presence of spiders, track changes in color. It is important in a short time to treat the vine and eliminate pests.

In our latitudes it is possible to grow kobeyu as an annual and as perennial. If you accept the second option, from mid-October you should prepare the vine for wintering. Cut off all the stems and transplanted into a container, send for the winter in the cellar. During this period, we simply monitor to prevent the earth from drying up.