Muraya - home care

Muraya - a decorative evergreen shrub with dense shiny leaves of a rich green color, refers, like all citrus, to a family of rutae. The plant blooms with white flowers, exuding a pleasant aroma, similar to the smell of jasmine. Oval bright red fruit - edible.

The motherland of Murai is South-East Asia, but recently the exotic plant has become widespread as a flower of the house: fresh neat little bushes adorn the apartments, offices, common areas.

In addition to external effectiveness, muraia has many useful properties: phytoncides contained in the plant, promote breathing, create a feeling of vivacity. Plant berries are a source of biologically active substances, beneficial for the cardiovascular system and vitality. In Tibet, where the plant also grows, maria is considered an effective tool that slows the aging process in the human body.

How to care for the murai?

If you want to have a murai at home, you need to know how to take care of a flower.

Muraya is an unpretentious plant, care for which and maintenance at home will not cause much trouble.

  1. Temperature and lighting. It is quite thermophilic, but it does not tolerate direct sunlight, causing burns or leading to fading of leaves, so it is desirable to place the flower in a place where there is enough scattered light, preferably in the western or eastern part of the room.
  2. Watering. In the autumn-winter period, the plant is watered moderately, and in the spring-summer period - abundantly, while controlling the soil condition. Muraya is very demanding to the humidity of air: she needs regular spraying, periodically the flower needs to be equipped with a small-jet shower. In winter, the plant needs fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers (approximately once in 2 weeks).
  3. Soil and pot. The plant develops well in spacious pots. Soil for planting muraia can be bought ready (soil for succulents), and it is possible to cook it yourself: take two pieces of good land and one part peat and clean sand. At the bottom of the plant it is necessary to create a fairly thick drainage layer, since the plant does not tolerate water stagnation in the root part.
  4. Transfer. If it is required to transplant the murai, then carefully, without disturbing the soil layer, with a shovel, separate the earth from the walls of the old pot and "pass" the earth's clump together with the growing plant into the prepared new plant pot. An annual transplant is required only for a young plant. If an adult plant does not need a more spacious pot, then it is possible to change the top layer of soil in the pot.
  5. Reproduction. Reproduction of murai can be produced both by cuttings and seeds. For cuttings cuttings from shoots of more than 1 year old are selected. Initially, the sprout is placed in a small vessel with water, and after the roots are sprouted, planted in a flower pot (preferably ceramic), covered with a glass jar from above - a mini-greenhouse is obtained. Cuttings should preferably be carried out at the very beginning of autumn. The plant reproduces remarkably and seeds. Immediately after collection, the seeds are sown in pots, and after a few weeks sprouts appear, and after a short while a neat bush is formed.
  6. Diseases . Muraya is practically not prone to disease. Infection with such common pests as a spider mite , scab, or whitefly occurs very rarely, and only when the plant is weakened. If the leaves begin to fall from the Murai, this indicates a lack of illumination or significant temperature changes in the place where it is located. In this case, look for a more lit place for the flower and exclude the effects of drafts.

With careful care, this wonderful exotic plant will delight you with its fragrant flowers, bright red fruits and luscious greens!