On the leaves of the strawberry red spots - what to do?

Attacks of pests - one of the main adversities of gardeners and truck farmers. Those who grow strawberries, not by hearsay, know how difficult it is to fight with weevils, strawberry mites and leaf beetles. Do not forget about the possible diseases of garden strawberries, among which fungal ones predominate. It is always easier to prevent or at least diagnose the disease in time to successfully overcome it. In this article we will consider one of the diseases of strawberry, in which red-brown spots appear on its sheet.

Red spot on strawberries

Red spot on strawberry leaves - the disease is much more dangerous than white, brown or brown spot. It can lead to the complete withering away of whole bushes. And, despite the fact that many varieties are resistant to this disease, often it still deprives the harvest of lingering gardeners.

First, small brown spots begin to appear on the leaves of the garden strawberry, which eventually grows and acquires a bright red color. Gradually the whole leaf turns red, and then dies. Meanwhile, the spores of the fungus continue to spread, affecting neighboring bushes. Therefore, it is so important to notice the problem in time and begin to fight it.

And now we'll consider what to do if red stains appear on the leaves of your strawberry.

Red spots on strawberry leaves - treatment

The main method of struggle is the destruction of all affected parts of the plant, in particular, the severing of diseased leaves. They must necessarily be destroyed in order to prevent the disease from spreading further. Also, make sure that the planting of your strawberries is not thickened and

aired - this will protect plants from fungus. And one more useful recommendation is not to introduce too many fertilizers, especially nitrogen fertilizers. And, of course, a rare gardener today does without fungicides. Against the red spots on strawberries, the following tools are effective: Skor, Topaz, Ordan, Ridomil, Kurzat. You can use any drugs that contain copper.

In addition to chemical preparations, with red spots on the leaves of strawberries, folk remedies are often used. For example, the plant is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid , copper sulfate or a solution of potassium permanganate twice a year (before flowering and after harvesting). You can do this for both prevention and treatment.