Growing strawberries from seeds at home - the tricks of planting and care

Love berries, then you can plant plants in pots or on the site. Growing strawberries from seeds at home is a simple task if you know the basic rules. It is important to prepare the material for planting and carry out all the necessary manipulations related to care.

Strawberry seed - planting and care

Before describing the process of planting seeds, it is interesting to get acquainted with the advantages of growing seedlings of strawberry at home.

  1. Strawberry seeds have a long shelf life, which gives the chance to grow the plant for more than one year.
  2. Reproduction of strawberry seeds at home is available for all varieties except hybrid. If you choose the right varieties, you can enjoy delicious berries throughout the summer.
  3. Self-cultivation of seedlings is a great way to improve the beds, as bushes will not be infected with any viruses and fungi.

For the cultivation of strawberries from seeds at home, many use repair varieties, as they bear fruit from the end of spring and to the first frost. It is worth noting that these species of berries are not too sweet, which is a certain disadvantage. Many gardeners note the excellent quality of strawberry fruit, the seeds of which were brought from China. There are varieties to get not only red, but white or yellow berries.

How to get strawberry seeds from a berry?

Berry strawberries are covered with small seeds, which will not be collected in the traditional way. There are other methods how to get strawberry seeds at home:

  1. With healthy berries, cut the seeds with a knife, while taking as little pulp as possible. Put the pieces on a piece of paper, seeds from above and crush them with your fingers. Leave everything dry in a dry place away from the sun's rays. In most cases, the process takes two days. In this case, it is important not to overdo it. Dry the pieces of strawberries with your fingers to remove the flesh. Collect the seeds and put them in sachets.
  2. If you want to grow strawberries from seeds at home, then to plant the plant material in a glass of blender, put 5-7 large berries and pour 2/3 of water. Beat for a few minutes, and then, strain the shake through a strainer. Seeds lay on a dense fabric and leave to dry. In both cases it is recommended to sort.

Preparing strawberry seeds for planting on seedlings

To make seed sprouting faster, the stratification method is used, which implies hardening by cold. It is connected with the fact that in the forest the first shoots can be seen after the snow falls. Stratification of strawberry seeds at home can be done in two ways:

  1. Sowing in a package. Take the cotton, moisten it, put it in a bag and put it into seeds. Tie the bag and send it to the fridge for three days. After that, you can get and carry out the landing.
  2. Landing in the snow. In the tray, collect a little soil, which must be baked in the oven. Top with a layer of snow, so that its height is no more than 1 cm. Place the seeds with tweezers so that there is approximately 1 cm between them. Top the container with a film and take it to the refrigerator for three days. After that, remove the pallet, but do not remove the film. Wait until the seedlings appear.

How to germinate strawberry seeds at home?

To make sure that the seeds germinate, it is recommended to soak, for which follow the pattern:

  1. Take the cotton pad and lay the seeds on it. Put it in a small container of clean water. Her level should be such that the seeds do not touch her. Above you should remove excess moisture.
  2. Cover the container with a film or glass, and then place it in a warm place. Direct rays of the sun are forbidden, but lighting should suffice, otherwise use additional devices.
  3. Watch for the evaporation of moisture and regularly add it until sprouts appear. Control that no mold appears in the container, and the seeds do not dry out. Sprouted seeds of strawberries should be moved by a thin object, for example, a toothpick, so as not to damage young shoots.

Planting strawberries with seeds

There are several ways to grow seeds, but they are united by common rules of planting:

  1. Planted seeds should be kept at a temperature of at least 25 ° C.
  2. The depth of planting should not be more than 1 cm, otherwise the seeds will not germinate.
  3. Describing how to properly plant strawberry seeds at home, it is worth noting that when using land from the garden, it must necessarily be pre-calcined in the oven.
  4. If in the future the bushes will be transplanted into the garden, the seeds should be treated with "Phytosporin-M", which protects the roots and sprouts from fungi and bacteria.

Planting strawberry seeds in peat pills

By using peat tablets , the germination process can be simplified. In addition, in the future it will not be necessary to conduct a dive. Growing strawberries from seeds at home is as follows:

  1. Put the peat pills in a container of water and leave to allow the liquid to absorb. If necessary, add more, and drain the excess.
  2. In the center of the tablet, which should swell, there will be a hollow where to put the germinated seed, using tweezers. From the top you do not need to sprinkle anything.
  3. To the future in the home grown strawberries from seeds in peat tablets, it is important to periodically moisturize them after they begin to sink. It is important that water does not stagnate.

Planting strawberries with seeds in the cochlea

A popular way is to germinate the seeds in snails, for which you can use a piece of laminate. The process proceeds according to the following scheme:

  1. The strip of laminate should be about 1 m long and 10 cm wide. At a distance of 2.5 cm from the edge, lay the ground so that its thickness is about 1 cm.
  2. Soil slightly moisten, but it should not be wet. Seeds decompose at a distance of 2 cm from the top edge and slightly penetrate into the ground. The distance between them should be approximately 2.5 cm.
  3. Roll the roll to get a snail, which should be fixed with a dense rubber band, otherwise it will turn around.
  4. Growing strawberries from seeds in the cochlea should be done in a pallet, in which water is collected. Top with a little soil and moisten well.
  5. It remains to cover everything with a package to create a greenhouse effect. When the first shoots appear, remove the film.

When to plant strawberries with seeds for seedlings?

Experienced gardeners argue that the most optimal period for planting seeds begins in mid-January and lasts until early March. The bushes will have time to grow, so that they can be planted in the open ground to dry pores. If you delay the planting of strawberry seeds for seedlings, then the seedlings will not have time to grow in order to perform a transplant this season and then they will have to spend the winter in pots at home.

How long does the seed of the strawberry come?

There is no single version, when seeds will germinate and sprouts will appear, as everything depends on the germination of seeds and the method of their preparation. The best seeds germinate after stratification. Describing, after how many days planted seeds of strawberries rise, it is worth pointing out the average period - 2-3 weeks. If no preparatory operations have been conducted, this time may increase up to a month.

Why do not seeds of strawberries come up?

There is always a risk that sprouts will not appear above the ground. There are several reasons for this:

  1. If no stratification was carried out, the seeds could simply "not wake up," so they did not germinate.
  2. The sowing was carried out using seeds that had a shelf life or they were simply substandard.
  3. Growing strawberries from seeds at home will be ineffective if the planting material was too deep.
  4. Containers in which seeds were planted were not covered with film or glass.
  5. The air temperature in the room where the container was located is either too high or too low. If you are interested in what to do, if the seeds of strawberries do not rise, then it is worth giving advice that you should check the temperature and in case of what it needs to be corrected.

Strawberry from seeds - growing, country cunnings

Experienced gardeners share tips that will help to speed up and improve the growth of seedlings:

  1. If you are interested in how to increase the germination of strawberry seeds, then, as shoots appear, you do not need to remove the lid or remove the film, as this will cause the germs to dry out. It is better to periodically remove the lid or make ventilation holes in it.
  2. Seeds at first will have a weak root system, so watering is prohibited, and spraying should be used. It is important that the top layer is always moistened, but the liquid should not stagnate.
  3. If mold was found on the surface, then it should be carefully removed using a match. After this, the capacity of the seedlings is ventilated and dried. It is also recommended that the soil or peat be treated with an antifungal agent.

Seedlings of strawberries from seeds at home

At the initial stage the seeds need close attention, otherwise the seeds will not germinate and the venture will prove to be a failure. Care of seedlings of strawberries includes such features:

  1. Observe the temperature, which should be in the range of 20-25 ° C.
  2. For seeds, drip irrigation approaches, but seedlings should be moistened using a spoon, pouring liquid directly under the root.
  3. Growing strawberries from seeds at home requires a lot of lighting. If the light is not enough, then the shoots will become pale and stretch. It is better to additionally use LED lamps to maintain lighting for 12 hours.
  4. After the picking, you can use fertilizer. Once in 10 days, you need to water a special mixture. It is important that it contains nitrogen and iron. Concentration of fertilizer should be reduced by half, from the indicated value on the package.
  5. For better acclimatization, it is necessary to harden the shoots. To do this, place the containers in the open air during the day. In May, the seedlings should be left on the street for a whole day.
  6. Plant bushes in the open ground can be in late May and June. To grow the plant, the first flowers are recommended to be cut off. This will help the bush to collect foliage and lay a good crop for the next year.

When to dive strawberries grown from seeds?

After the bushes have already grown up and there are four normal leaves on them, then it is possible to hold a pick. The simplest option is the transshipment method.

  1. Pikirovka strawberries grown from seeds begins with the preparation of individual containers of small size, for example, plastic cups. Fill in a little drainage, for example, sand or crushed nutshells.
  2. Take a spade with a scoop with a clod of soil, so as not to damage the roots. Put it in a cup with prepared soil and moisturize well.
  3. Above you do not fall asleep, because the root neck should remain open. You can sprinkle the earth when the germ is rooted.