How to get rid of moss in the garden?

Mossy moss is not such a rare phenomenon in summer cottages and household plots. At first it is easy to get rid of it by mechanical means, digging with a shovel. But almost always moss comes back and grows even more. How to get rid of moss in a garden plot - that's what sometimes takes the heads of truck farmers. We will try to help, offering the most proven methods.

Home methods how to destroy moss in the garden?

To permanently get rid of the weed, it is necessary to deprive it of favorable living conditions, namely humidity, blackout and acid soil. Darkening, which is so fond of moss, is solved by simply sawing the branches. The increased humidity is more difficult to remove, especially if it is known that underground groundwater passes through the site. It remains to make a drainage system that will allow excess moisture to leave your site. So it is recommended to loosen the soil, adding sand and humus to it.

Another method, how to deal with moss in the garden area, is carrying out liming, which will reduce the plant's preferred soil acidity. At the same time, every square meter is dug from 0.5 kg of lime.

Chemical ways to get rid of moss

More radical methods involve the use of chemicals. Herbicides have a good effect, for example, "Dichlorofen", "Galenol", "Antiphen". Also, the herbicide "Glyphosate" demonstrates a good result in the fight against moss in the garden plot. A solution of the preparation, which is prepared according to the instructions, is sprayed with a colony of moss. A few weeks later the dried moss is removed from the site by rakes. In general, moss is a plant that, when properly surrounded, looks rather attractive. Perhaps it makes sense to organize a lawn using a natural stone, a waterfall or a small pond?