Celery - growing

Celery is loved by many for its aroma, piquant taste and great health benefits. Celery varieties allow you to use it for different purposes. The agrotechnics of this or that kind of plant is slightly different. About how to grow this or that kind of celery - in our article.

Growing of leaf celery

This type of celery is relatively cold, so that its seedling tolerates lower temperatures and even small frosts. Initially, the plant develops rather slowly, the seeds are pecked for a very long time. Therefore, it is better to plant seedlings pre-grown at home, although it is possible to sow in the open ground and seeds, only to do it in the early spring.

In any case, the seeds must first be treated with manganese, sprouted in a damp cloth and then sown into the soil. As soil mixtures for seedlings, choose peat, leaf land, humus, soil and sand in equal proportions.

You can sow in early March, lightly sprinkling seeds with peat. The temperature for germination is + 18..20 ° C. Watering boxes with seeds must be very carefully, through a sieve or diffuser. When there are shoots, the temperature should be reduced to + 14 ° C. To ensure that the seedling does not stretch and is strong, you need to provide it with sufficient light.

Pikement of leaf celery is made at the stage of 2 real leaflets. In the process of transplantation, it is necessary to pinch the main root to form a good root system. Planting seedlings and open soil can be already in mid-April.

Growing and caring for a leafy celery plant requires a shallow landing, so that the growth point is above the surface. You need to regularly loosen the bed, weed the weeds , water it as the land dries up (there should not be a crust on the surface).

It is very good to mulch inter-rows - this will eliminate the need to constantly loosen them. You can start harvesting in July or August.

Root celery - planting and growing

This type of celery is grown exclusively by seedlings. He has the longest vegetation period, lasting 150-190 days. Sow the seeds in boxes you need in the middle of February. In the process of growth, the seedlings will have to dive twice, each time shortening the main root by about a third.

Caring for root celery is necessary as well as for leafy celery, only without humming, so that lateral roots are not formed. By harvest, it will be ready by mid-October.

Celery celery - growing a house

Agrotechnics of petioled celery are similar to leaf celery. That's just it requires more frequent hilling, because the seedlings are immediately planted in grooves, 10 cm deep.

Hilling allows you to get bleached petioles, that is, not stiff from the sun. They are more tender and not bitter, and since they are consumed in food - this is important.

To bleach also apply the method of binding the leaves and wrapping the stems with paper. Harvest before the very frost.

Using celery

Depending on the species, food is used in different parts - leaves, petioles, seeds or rhizome. Leaves and petioles can be used in cooking and canning. They are usually added to salads, Soups, sauces, drinks, pates, side dishes.

Celery seeds are most often used for the flavoring of salt (celery salt). Rhizome in dried and grinded form is used in various spicy mixtures. Also, in fresh form, the root is used to add to different dishes. It gives them a unique flavor and taste.

In celery, many vitamins, micro- and macro elements, as well as fiber, essential amino acids and essential oils. In addition, the plant is the strongest aphrodisiac.