Husky training

The Husky breed dog is an excellent companion and an active participant in the life of the family. The breed belongs to the number of sled and working dogs and because of its natural friendliness is not suitable for security purposes. However, such dogs are often very active, therefore, the husky needs to be trained and trained for a considerable amount of time, starting from the earliest age of the puppy (about 2 months), otherwise a neglected dog can bring tremendous trouble to all household members.

Husky training at home

It is believed that the dogs of the Husky breed are not easily trained due to their independent and active nature, from the nature of a high level of intelligence, proximity to the wolf and the great influence of instincts on behavior. But if you train regularly and constantly, you can perfectly train the dog and get rid of a lot of problems in the future.

Beginning of training occurs from the moment when the puppy first goes for a walk: immediately put on a dog collar and leash . At first, the puppy will have so many irritants in the world around him that he will not notice any discomfort, and then, having got used, will only be happy at the sight of the leash, as this means that it's time to go for a walk.

Training can be divided into two stages: teams that are studied at home and those that are recognized on the street.

Husky puppy training at home

At home the puppy should master the commands:

  1. "To me!" - Performed before giving the puppy a treat or a bowl of food. Do not forget about positive reinforcement, if the dog performed the command you need to stroke it, praise it, give something tasty. Watch the timbre of your voice: a too high or too affectionate "cooing" voice may not be perceived by the dog correctly, as praise from the master. It will be most effective to talk with husky calm, low, not very loud voice.
  2. "Sit!" Is the basic team that should also be studied at home. Throughout the day you need to repeat this command with the dog as often as possible, so training will be much more successful than if you are engaged with the dog continuously, for example, an hour or two a day.
  3. "Search!" - the owner gives the command, and then hides the treat between the palms or behind his back. The dog must understand where the delicacy is hidden, and how to get it out of closed hands.

Puppy training on the street

In the street, it is necessary, first of all, to teach the puppy that at the first call of the owner, he must return to him. Then the husky can safely walk without a lead in a specially designated place and there will be no problems with the fact that the dog ran away, it was only necessary to unhook the leash.

  1. "To me!" - the development of the team continues on the street. However, do not tear off the husky if it sniffs with another dog. Also it is not necessary, after the command is executed, immediately take the puppy to the leash. First you need to praise and encourage it. If your pet is very keen and does not react to the team, you should get his attention, squatting or poznev keys. You can not chase a dog.
  2. "You can not!" Is another basic skill that should be taught to the husky. If the puppy has found something or grabbed it, you need to throw a jar into it with something ringing or take your hands out of your mouth unnecessary and clearly pronounce the command. You can also slightly patter over the scruff and scold the dog.

In general, the Husky puppies in the period of active training (from 4 months) formed attachment to the owner and emotional background. Therefore, you can not shout at the dog, strongly scold, and even more to beat, so as not to get a cowardly pet. If your puppy does not give in to training, does not fulfill the commands, and when there is only one house spoiling the furniture and is disgusting - it is worth turning to professional film-trainers who will help bring up even the most difficult dog in nature.