Dysphoria - what is it and how is it treated?

A person perceives the world around him in different ways, a change of mood from joyful and uplifted to sad in specific circumstances - the norm. The protracted period, in which positive news is not encouraging, should alert. Staying in a dreary state can be dangerous for a long time, such a state of a signal about the presence of dysphoria, and it must be overcome.

What is this - dysphoria?

What is dysphoria - an unsatisfactory mood accompanied by irritation, anguish and gloom, a special sensitivity to the actions and words of those around you, can suddenly manifest as an outbreak of groundless aggression or fear. Symptoms of dysphoria are similar to depression, sometimes this disease is mild, and it is considered to be a negative character trait . A regular stress state in the subject's behavior may appear suddenly and last for several hours, or several days.

When does dysphoria occur?

In most cases, dysphoric disorders occur against the background of brain diseases or various forms of psychopathy - epilepsy, schizophrenia, hypoglycemia, dysmorphophobia. Expressed dissatisfaction with life and a whole complex of problems that follow is the first sign of the disease. There are also certain risk factors that can provoke dysphoria in a healthy person:

Dysphoria - symptoms and treatment

Often the symptoms of dysphoria can be perceived as a negative trait of character. Dysphoria can suddenly fall on a completely healthy person, or become a signal of senile senility. People suffering from this ailment, in mild form, do not have inhibited mental reactions, on the contrary show frequent outbreaks of activity. Symptoms of dysphoria:

Dysphoria, like any disease, has different stages with distinctive symptoms. If this condition lasts 7 more days, in the body there are violations of the vegetative and somatic systems - lack of appetite, violation of sleep, tachycardia, sudden pressure changes, drying of the mucous membranes. Rarely, but it is quite possible, such a disease can provoke garrulity - delirious enthusiasm. A person in this state may have a desire to take alcohol, drugs, or commit an act of suicide.

How to treat dysphoria?

Short-term dysphoria a person can overcome independently - apply auto-training, psychotherapeutic techniques, but if you reduce the anxious and stressed state does not work longer than a week, you need to seek advice from a specialist. Doctors know how to deal with dysphoria in a more serious form, appointing special drugs - sedatives, barbiturates, antidepressants, hormonal stimulants. Treatment with medications without consulting a psychiatrist is prohibited, it can aggravate the course of the disease.

Gender Dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is one of the separate groups of the disease, a complex form of pathology is manifested in the negative attitude of the individual to his gender, the physical shell of a person does not correspond to his internal appearance. The exact cause of the disease is not established, scientists call a number of disorders capable of causing such a pathology:

Gender dysphoria provokes a state of protracted depression, can lead to mental disorders, causes the desire not only to dress like the opposite sex - transvestites, but through surgical interventions to change its status. If there is such a condition as gender dysphoria, how to deal with it prompt experienced specialists. The exact diagnosis is made only after a comprehensive study - a psychiatric examination.

Premenstrual dysphoria

The hormonal background of the female body is not stable, during the PMS period, malignant dysphoria may occur, which physicians determine for specific symptoms - a change in appetite, increased irritability and fatigue, headache, insomnia, inability to concentrate attention , depressive and anxious condition, sudden mood swings. Treatment with hormonal contraceptives, helps to overcome the disease.

Postcoital dysphoria

A sharp decline in mood after intercourse, a characteristic feature of postcoital dysphoria, this condition can last from a few minutes to a couple of hours. In men, postcoital dysphoria is more common than in women, it is associated with physical stress and a sudden release of hormones. If this condition occurs in women, then it is characterized by psychological dissatisfaction with itself or with a partner, the presence of problems in marital relations.

Alcoholic dysphoria

Clinical manifestations of alcoholic dysphoria are characterized by pronounced irritability, malignant mood, tense state. It flows in different ways - it can take a couple of minutes, or develop into a long form, lasting up to several weeks. Dysphoric states can serve as a signal of an approaching relapse, such symptoms characterize the degree of craving for alcohol.

Alcoholic dysphoria can occur with predictable periodicity (every 3.6.12 months), during a prolonged abstinence from drinking alcohol - the body requires alcoholic stimulants. Communication with others in such people causes irritation only in case of dissatisfaction with specific requirements. Treat this condition with the help of medications, with an individual approach. The treatment period is 2-4 weeks.