Music school for children

Many parents pay great attention to the musical education of their children. The most experienced teachers and famous scientists say that music should be present for the full and harmonious development of children's lives. Pay attention to the musical education of children must start as early as possible. The correct and conscious decision is to give the child to a music school as early as the preschool age.

Music lessons for children

Music is a special kind of art that promotes the development of the child's thinking and imagination. Musical education of preschool children significantly influences the formation of intelligence.

In a music school, a child can get acquainted with the main directions and styles of music by ear, and various games with musical accompaniment contribute to the formation of musical taste. From the earliest age the child gets a love of singing. In the process of playing and elementary exercises, even among the youngest children, teachers determine musical abilities.

Musical education of children

Each person has musical talents. If a child actively expresses his love for singing and music, then parents should seriously think about giving him a musical education. v

The first thing that children are taught in a music school is the musical alphabet. At the very first lessons, children are introduced to various sounds and are taught to distinguish musical sounds from noise. Further musical education of children is based on the following knowledge:

The musical abilities of children of preschool age manifest themselves much brighter than those of adults. Classes in the music school can reveal the talent of the child. From the very first lessons, teachers conduct diagnostics of musical abilities and development of children. Musically gifted children, despite their excellent abilities, need intensive classes to develop their gift. If a child lags behind others in any musical skills, he can have tremendous hearing and musical abilities, despite his low academic performance. Such a child needs an individual approach and individual tasks.

Musical instruments for children

When choosing a musical instrument, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the desire of the child. The child should like the sound of the instrument, otherwise there will be no sense from the lessons.

In addition to the child's preferences, such factors should be taken into account:

Music programs for children have different duration. The duration of the course at the music school is 7 years. After that, musically gifted children have the opportunity to enter the conservatory and get a higher musical education.

Parents should remember that any musical activity and creativity of their children play an irreplaceable role in their cultural, aesthetic and spiritual development.