National Immunization Schedule

In order to protect the nation from deadly diseases, a table of the national vaccination calendar is being developed in each state with developed medicine. It is reviewed annually, and changes and adjustments to the timing of immunization can be made, according to the latest scientific research in this area.

For today, Russia and Ukraine have the most well-considered system of immunization of the population and planned vaccinations, according to the national calendar are held in all regions. The Ministry of Health closely regulates this procedure, making it as safe as possible for all groups of the population, from babies to elderly people.

National calendar prof. inoculations of the Russian Federation has some insignificant differences with a similar document of Ukraine. In the current year, new amendments have been made to both plans for immunization of the population.

Have at hand a table with the indicated plan of vaccinations for babies is convenient for any mom who can in advance be able to clarify all the concerns about her immunization of the baby. These problem points should be discussed in advance with the district pediatrician, and in case of doubt, a consultation may be held on this issue concerning a particular child.

Before delivering another vaccination, the doctor must give the baby a referral for a general blood and urine test, in order to reveal the latent course of the infection. In addition, responsible parents on the day of vaccination should clearly give the answer - the child is ill or not. Even the slightest indisposition is an occasion to postpone the event for a more successful period.

Children who for some reason (often neurological) can not be vaccinated, get a medical guide for a certain time - from six months to a year. After that, the question of carrying out immunization is again raised, but already with shifted terms and according to another scheme.

Some parents deliberately refuse routine vaccinations before the age of two, arguing that the child's health is still very fragile and acquaintance with the strongest viruses and bacteria can now provoke a negative reaction. This has a share of rationality, and doctors are loyal to this position, but, nevertheless, proving to parents the need to vaccinate a child, according to the national vaccination calendar.

The National Vaccination Calendar in Russia

While still in the maternity ward, the baby gets his first vaccinations - hepatitis B vaccination, which is done on the first day after birth, and before discharge, the vaccine against tuberculosis, or BCG.

After that, the planned vaccination continues, and at 1 month the child is given a second inoculation against hepatitis B, and at the age of two months a third revaccination of the baby is done.

Since the age of three months, a course of vaccinations for diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus begins, which are then carried out at 4.5 and 6 months. Also, the vaccine against hemophilic infection was administered to babies from the third to the sixth month . And during the same period, the child is vaccinated against poliomyelitis.

In a year and in 18 months once again, fixing the result of revaccination, and after that the child is vaccinated already at 6, 7, 14, 18 years, and after, already in adulthood - from tetanus and diphtheria every ten years.

Since 2015, mandatory mandatory vaccination against pneumococcal infection, which is carried out twice in the first year of life of the baby, and fixed at a half-age.

National Vaccination Calendar of Ukraine

In Ukraine, the same vaccinations are being made as on the territory of the Russian Federation, but the timing is slightly shifted, with regard to those vaccinations that are given to children under one and a half years. But these differences are not essential. In 2015, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine introduced changes in the vaccination calendar. Now the vaccination for adolescents of 14 years: BCG, CCP (girls do not get vaccinated against rubella, and boys from mumps). During epidemics of influenza and chicken pox vaccinations are possible on an individual desire. If desired, you can buy a vaccine from pneumococcus and put it in a children's polyclinic.