Liquid chair in a newborn

Mom toddlers up to a year, and especially those with a child - the firstborn, are very worried about eating a crumb, did not feel any discomfort in the tummy, slept peacefully and well ... croaked. Therefore, seeing that a newborn has a loose stool, often panic. Is such anxiety justified and when should I go to a pediatrician?

Normal stool

Most of the newborns and infants are fed by maternal milk. This ideal food for the specific baby, combined with unformed intestinal flora as a result of the interaction and causes a rare stool in newborns. Puffy consistency is considered the norm, as feces of a more dense consistency would cause colic and constipation. If the children on natural feeding are considered to be the creamy consistency, then the babies, eating mixtures, have a harder stool. In this case, the color of the child's feces can be of all shades of yellow color, pure, with the smell of sour milk, without the admixture of mucus and blood. Again, the artificial stools have a more "adult" smell and the color is darker.

If with what the newborn's stool should be in color and consistency everything is clear, then the frequency of excrement is an individual matter. One child is quite normal, which two or three times a day, the norm of another - up to ten times. That is, the kid sets a standard for himself. If a frequent liquid stool in a newborn does not cause any problems (pain, colic, flatulence, stiffening of the legs to the tummy), and all the conditions described above (color, smell, consistency) are respected, then do not worry.

Separately it is worth mentioning the chair in the first days of your crumbs' life. The original feces, called meconium, were formed even when the baby was in the mother's abdomen. Immediately after birth, the child does not feed on milk, but on colostrum. This is extremely useful and nutritious substance is absorbed by almost 100%, so feces may not be up to three to four days. The first few stools can be dark, and sometimes almost black. Do not worry, nature knows perfectly how to set up a newborn's chair - in a few days everything will be fine.

The causes of too loose and frequent stools

The main causes of a loose stool in a newborn are errors in nutrition. And, if a child eats momma milk, then her diet can lead to deviations in the nature of stool. The work of the immature gastrointestinal tract depends on the introduction of complementary foods and the replacement of the usual mixture. The presence of mucus and color changes, abdominal pain and flatulence are also not 100% sign of intestinal infection. In case when it comes to a power failure, pediatricians recommend giving babies bifidopreparations and adjusting the diet (both moms and children).

In general, a very thin stool in a newborn, which is different from the norm, is an alarming sign, indicating violations of the intestinal functions, even if due to a diet. After all, useful substances are not absorbed properly, and, consequently, the child is inferior to them. But in some cases, a watery stool in a newborn means infection or poisoning, even intussusception of the intestine, which is dangerous and requires the intervention of a physician. To my mother "by eye" to determine why a newborn has a loose stool, not always under force. Urgently show the child to the doctor if you notice the following:

The presence of two or more symptoms suggests that a loose stool in a newborn requires treatment, which is prescribed by the doctor on the basis of the examination of the baby and the results of the tests.