
Hal-Safelini, or Hypogeum - is one of the most unique and oldest structures in the world: the upper, the oldest, the tier dates from about 3,600-3,300 BC, the middle one is about 300 years younger, and the lowest level was made approximately in 3100-2500 BC. It is carved in a single limestone rock. It is believed that the age of the hypogeum is greater than the age of Stonehenge and the "official" age of the Egyptian pyramids.

The word "hypoguy" is translated as an "underground dwelling", and the name "Khal-Safleni" he received by the name of the street where he was discovered. Some experts believe that this is a huge underground temple; it can be stated unambiguously that this place was a kind of necropolis - about 10 thousand people were buried here. In addition to burials, a large number of various artifacts were found in the hypogea.

Discovered Hal-Saflieni in Malta was by accident: in 1902, the surface of the rock was developed for the extraction of stone, which was to be used in the construction of the building. When ground-level works of the upper level were severely damaged, fortunately, it was discovered that the object is of great historical significance, and the entrance opening, cut in the traditional form, remained untouched. However, the builders used the cave for some time to store the garbage. The excavation of the complex began thanks to the Jesuit Father Emmanuel; after his death, the baton of research was picked up by Temi Zammit, a well-known Maltese archaeologist.

What is Hal-Safelini?

Hal-Saflieni is located in the city of Paola in Malta (not far from the eastern outskirts of Valletta ). The structure has a total area of ​​480 m °, is located in three tiers and consists of 34 rooms connected by junctions and stairs. The main "chamber" of the Main Chamber has curved walls and resembles the mother's womb; this gives grounds for some historians to assert that the cult of Mother Earth once reigned on the island, and the underground sanctuary was dedicated to it. This hypothesis is confirmed by the finding of a statue of a sleeping fat woman, called "Sleeping Lady" or Sleeping Lady (today this statue is kept in the Maltese archaeological museum), and other artifacts, including statuettes.

The so-called Oracle Hall is located on the second level; in it there is a small oval niche located at the level of the face, which gives a strong resonance, if there is something to say in a man's voice; women's voices do not strengthen the niche. The ceiling and walls of the Hall of the Oracle are decorated with drawings made with red ocher, and symbolize, according to scientists, the Tree of Life. Temi Zammit suggested that there was an oracle here, to which pilgrims from all corners of the Mediterranean came.

And in the other halls of the sanctuary traces of the use of ocher for ritual purposes are found. The upper, the most ancient tier, is believed to be made on the basis of a cave of natural origin - ancient builders simply increased and ennobled it. Some niches were supposedly used for keeping sacrificial animals.

On the third level there are small funerary chambers. There are legends (partly confirmed - about some cases written in the National Goegraphic in 1940), that through them you can squeeze, and that the tunnel continues on indefinitely, and the brave ones who dared to explore them, disappeared in the underground labyrinths forever.

How do I get on a trip to Hal-Safelini?

Only 80 people are allowed to go on a trip to the Hypogeum every day, so if you want to visit this stunning structure - sign up in advance. Photographing in the hypogee is prohibited. However, you can watch the video in the modern video hall in the hypogee foyer and buy postcards there.

The cost of an adult ticket is 30 euros, for students, teenagers (12-17 years) and older people (over 60) - 15 euros, for children from 6-11 - 12 euros, children younger - free.

To get to the city of Paola, you can take a shuttle bus from Valletta, the trip will take about 10-15 minutes.

We advise all tourists to visit the megalithic churches of Malta , including the popular Hajar-Kim , and also go on excursions to the best museums in Malta .