How to cook tilapia?

We must try to ensure that the fish is present on our table as often as possible. This product is easily absorbed by the body and enriches it with various vitamins and microelements. In addition, the fish is prepared quite quickly. Now we'll tell you how delicious to cook tilapia fillets.

How to cook tilapia in batter?



The fish fillet is washed and cut into pieces. In one container we drive eggs, a little of them salt off. And in the second we pour the flour, pepper and salt. Each piece of fillet rolls first in a flour mix, and then in an egg. After that, the fillet of tilapia in batter is laid out in a frying pan with preheated oil and fried on both sides until rudeness. Serve this fish better when hot.

How to cook tilapia in the oven?



Onion and tomatoes cut with rings, Parmesan three on a grater. The fish fillet is washed and laid out on a cutting board. Each piece of salt, pepper and lightly sprinkled with lemon juice. We grease the pan with olive oil and put pieces of fillet on it. On top of it we put onion rings, homemade mayonnaise , tomatoes and put in the oven. Bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Then sprinkle fish with vegetables grated cheese and bake for another 10 minutes.

How to cook tilapia in a multivariate?



Fish fillet is thawed, washed and dried. After that, we salt and let stand for about 20 minutes. In the meantime, we are engaged in vegetables: shred onion rings, sprinkle it with salt and spices. Carrots, potatoes cut slices and spread to onions. Mix everything until the spices are evenly distributed over the vegetables. We pour vegetable oil into the cup of the multivarka, spread some vegetables, then fish fillets and repeat the layers. Set the "Quenching" mode and the time is 80 minutes.

How to cook tilapia in a frying pan?



Tilapia fillets are thawed and mine under running cold water. Each piece of fillet is divided into 2 parts and sprinkled with lemon juice on both sides. Also sprinkle the fish with spices. Salt is not needed, since we have soy sauce, and it is already quite salty. We heat oil in the pan. It can be either sunflower or olive - the choice depends entirely on your taste.

Spread the fish fillet on the pan and fry the fire on high heat for 3 minutes on each side. For sauce, combine sugar and soy sauce, mix until the sugar dissolves. The resulting mixture is poured into a frying pan with fish in such a way that each piece gets its portion. Bring the sauce to a boil, cover the frying pan with a lid, take out the fire and cook the tilapia for another 5 minutes. We serve it to a hot table with a garnish of vegetables and rice.

How to prepare tilapia in foil?



I wash my tilapia and dry it. Tomato and Bulgarian pepper cut into cubes, add crushed herbs and 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil and mix. The form is lined with foil, greased with vegetable oil and from above we lay the fish fillets, we place the vegetable mixture on top. Cover the top with foil and put in the oven. At 200 degrees, we cook 30 minutes. Then remove the foil, again return the fish to the oven under the grill. And in 10 minutes we have a delightful dish - tilapia with vegetable garnish.