Hemorrhage in the eye - treatment

Hemorrhage occurs when the walls of the vessels are damaged. This is provoked by mechanical damage or pathological conditions. This includes various diseases or serious injuries.

Severe bleeding in the eye - causes

Among the causes of hemorrhage are noted:

These are only the most significant causes, because of which there may be a hemorrhage in the eye. There are also many other causes that are caused by pathological and even chronic diseases.

Before you buy a medicine for hemorrhage in the eye, you need to determine the main symptoms:

  1. The pathology, in which the outflow of blood into the anterior chamber of the eye occurs, is called "hyphema" - a red spot with smooth contours is formed on the eye. Blood fills the entire eye. Vision in this case is not disturbed, only if the pupil area remains unfilled. As a rule, after a few days, such bloody education resolves.
  2. Hemophthalmus - due to the vitreous outflow of the eye body. This pathology occurs with mechanical damage to the eye. In appearance, such an outpouring of brown color, is reddish. The most common is the loss of sight during an outpouring to the eye. The patient often complains of dark spots or sharp light flashes in the daytime. Such a problem requires only medical assistance, because the pathology is more than serious and self-medication can only be harmed. In this case, drops for the eyes from hemorrhage will not help.
  3. There is a hemorrhage in the retina, in this case, patients complain of the appearance of a grid or flickering flies . Vision is significantly reduced, and all objects that are able to contemplate patients are blurred.

Hemorrhage in the eye - treatment

With various complications of hemorrhage, respectively, requires the adoption of various measures. For example, with hyphema, treatment is not required. This form, as a rule, passes without additional interventions. You can, of course, drip special drops, purchased at the pharmacy, within one week. If after such a mild form, the symptoms do not go away after ten days during treatment, then urgent medical help is needed, otherwise there is the possibility of getting complications in the form of uveitis, glaucoma and cataract.

With all other more complex forms of the disease, including with bleeding in the sclera of the eye, treatment is prescribed directly by the doctor. Preliminary diagnosis is carried out and a special complex treatment is prescribed. Patients, as a rule, are assigned hemostatic and vasoconstrictive drugs. If you do not immediately take any action, there is an option to get a serious complication, up to a loss of vision on one of the injured eyes.

With hemorrhage in the retina of the eye, treatment at home will be completely inappropriate. It requires urgent hospitalization and immediate medical care. There are cases when the patient is assigned an operation.

Hemorrhage in the eye - treatment with folk remedies

The following components are used for treatment:

  1. Urine - Used instead of drops for home treatment. Before use, it is necessary to boil it in a copper basin with honey.
  2. Meat is a long-standing method for treating hemorrhage in the eye. On the damaged eye you need to put not a large piece of raw meat. This will help stop the hemorrhage and reduce the blood stain on the eye.
  3. Chicory is a special home-made and quite effective decoction. To do this, three tablespoons of chicory pour a half liter of water and bring to a boil. After that, insist for 20 minutes. The broth is taken internally three times a day. You can also use it as a local lotion.