Flies before the eyes

The image with a haze, black dots and dashes, as if in a blurred lens - so people see the world with a defective vitreous body of the eye. Most often, such diseases occur in mature and old age. In this vision can not deteriorate, and flies before your eyes appear more often in more. What is the reason for this phenomenon, and can we get rid of it? We will tell about this today.

The causes of black flies in the eyes

The vitreous body of the eye is a substance that resembles a thick jelly in consistency. This gel structure is provided by its special composition (water, hyaluronic acid , collagen). Thanks to collagen, the vitreous body retains its shape, and hyaluronic acid and water provide complete transparency of this part of the eye. Due to injuries, hypertensive crisis, long-term myopia or other eye diseases, the vitreous humor molecules break up. As a result, its structure is broken, the degree of transparency decreases, and the eye begins to see extraneous strokes and black flies in front of the eyes.

Most often, such violations are visible when looking at a well-lit non-dark monophonic background, for example, on a white wall or a cloudless sky. Unfortunately, the appearance of flies in front of the eyes suggests that the structure of the vitreous body is irreversibly disrupted. So completely get rid of the disease will not succeed. But it is possible and even necessary to prevent the subsequent destruction of the eye and possible blindness. Indeed, the destruction of the vitreous body gradually affects other parts of the eye. Next on the way to destruction is the retina. The patient can feel such symptoms:

All these are threatening signals that speak of the destruction of the retina. The consequence of this destruction is complete blindness.

It is worth noting that, fortunately, the destruction of the vitreous humor is the most common, but not the only reason for the appearance of extraneous black points. Sometimes flies in the eyes - the causes of penetration into the eye of foreign liquids or droplets of blood, as well as a sharp increase in blood pressure. If the vitreous body has retained its previous structure, adequate treatment of "flies" will help to eliminate discomfort.

Treatment of flies in the eyes

So, there were flies before your eyes - what to do? The diagnosis of DST is not an excuse to "drop your hands". Modern drugs make it possible to restore vitreous body as much as possible and return it, if not to the ideal, then at least optimally stable state. The first step on the path to treatment is to turn to an ophthalmologist. If necessary, the doctor will send to a narrower specialist who is engaged in diseases of the fundus - the retinologist. The doctor will determine the frequency of appearance of "flies", their magnitude, shape and consequences of occurrence. All these factors influence the precise diagnosis and subsequent treatment. The doctor should be contacted immediately if:

Reducing flies in front of the eyes, the treatment of which can last for many years, help resolving medications, as well as drugs that improve the metabolism of the fundus. One of the most modern methods of getting rid of dark flies in the eyes is laser therapy. Using a very thin laser beam, a specialist "breaks" the destroyed vitreous molecules into very tiny fragments. Thus, the disturbances cease to bring discomfort. Physiotherapy is also widely and successfully used:

Floating flies in front of the eyes, not interfering with sight, and can be a normal and non-dangerous phenomenon. In cases of single or rare appearance of black dots in front of the eyes when looking at the snow or a brightly lit background, the specialist often does not discern any problems. Such manifestations are a consequence of the light micro-injury of the eye. They pass by themselves and do not require any treatment.