Hemorrhage in the eye

Hemorrhage in the eye is the accumulation of blood spilled from damaged vessels into surrounding tissues. It should be caused by trauma to the eye or head, diseases associated with impaired blood circulation or damage to the walls of blood vessels, excessive physical exertion or other causes.

To understand what to do and how to treat a hemorrhage in the eye, you should first determine the structure of the eye in which it happened. Symptoms of hemorrhage in the eye differ depending on the localization of the pathological process.

Hemorrhage in the retina of the eye

The main symptoms of hemorrhage in the retina are:

Visible manifestations in this type of ocular hemorrhage may be absent. If hemorrhage is single and not extensive, it is recommended to rest your eyes as a treatment, hemostatic and vasoconstrictive drugs are prescribed. In severe cases - with a hemorrhage that occupies a large area and is repeated often, treatment requires hospitalization in the ophthalmology department. Recurrent bleeding in the retina can lead to blindness.

Hemorrhage in the sclera (white) of the eye

On the accumulation of blood in the protein coat of the eye, the symptoms are:

In this case, no special treatment is required, the accumulation of blood dissolves on its own within 48 - 72 hours.

Hemorrhage in the vitreous body of the eye

Hemorrhage in the vitreous of the eye is called hemophthalmia. Symptoms of this process are as follows:

This pathological process occurs when the vascular shell of the eye is damaged with the ingress of blood into the vitreous. In this part of the eye there is no possibility of delimiting the physiological fluid, so its rapid turbidity occurs. Full hemophthalmus can lead to loss of vision, if within the first hours after the hemorrhage will not be given medical care. Also, serious complications are possible, for example, retinal detachment.

Hemorrhage in the anterior chamber of the eye

Hemorrhage in the anterior chamber of the eye, or hyphema, is characterized by such signs:

With this type of hemorrhage in the eye, the blood fills the space between the cornea and the iris. In most cases, blood dissolution occurs spontaneously within a few days. To accelerate this process, resorptive treatment can be prescribed. It should be borne in mind that with hyphema, it is necessary to exclude the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and anticoagulants, since they can disrupt the blood coagulation system.

If the hyphema does not go away after 10 days, it can talk about the development of complications, which include:

What if there is a bleeding in the eye?

At the first signs and suspicion of hemorrhage in the eye (even insignificant, at first glance) it is necessary to urgently consult an ophthalmologist or a therapist. To diagnose pathology, a series of studies will be carried out, which, apart from an ophthalmological examination, necessarily include a blood test (total and for sugar). After that, appropriate treatment is prescribed.