The child's throat hurts

Pain in the throat is not a disease, it's just a symptom, the tip of the iceberg. If the child has a sore throat, one must look for this cause and, starting from it, begin treatment.

In the vast majority of sore throats are caused by viruses, less often by bacteria or other factors. So, let's list the diseases that cause sore throat in children and consider the accompanying symptoms.

Why does the child have a sore throat?

  1. The most common disease, accompanied by pain in the throat is sore throat . Its characteristic symptom is the red throat, in addition, the child has a high fever. The onset of the disease is always precipitous with the rise of heat.
  2. If, in addition to sore throat, there is a rash on the face and especially the cheeks, and also the tongue acquires a bright red color, most likely it is scarlet fever .
  3. And if the rash first appeared on the forehead and behind the ears suspicions fall on the measles .
  4. A dirty yellow coating in the throat of a child indicates that diphtheria of the pharynx develops. In this case, there is weakness, retardation, temperature. There is also a kind of pain in the throat, it is concentrated behind the soft sky and often gives into the ears and back sections of the nasal cavity.
  5. Without timely treatment of diphtheria, measles, scarlet fever, or the same angina, chronic tonsillitis can develop. It is characterized by an increase in the tonsils in the child, and the appearance of pustules in the throat. The chronic form of the disease suggests that the symptoms periodically return. With a decrease in immunity, the child immediately gets sore throat, this is due to the fact that the viruses are constantly in the body and as soon as the protection decreases, they begin to multiply intensively.
  6. Vesicles in the child's throat are a manifestation of herpetic sore throat . It is often found in childhood. This is a very contagious disease. Small bubbles filled with a clear liquid spread rapidly over the tonsils and the back wall of the pharynx.
  7. The cause of sore throat may be laryngitis or inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa. Explicit symptoms of the disease are: perspiration in the throat, hoarseness of the child's voice and dry "barking" cough.
  8. In 85% of cases, patients with infectious mononucleosis feel a sore throat. And also there are such symptoms as: high fever, weakness in the body, headache, runny nose, nausea, swollen lymph nodes, liver and spleen, even jaundice is possible.
  9. Viral pharyngitis , in another way - an inflammatory process on the walls of the pharynx. With him, the child has a mild reddening of the throat, the appearance of mucus.
  10. During flu, syphilis, or even tuberculosis , the child also has sore throat and swelling.
  11. Inflammation of the throat in children can be caused by a cold - acute respiratory infections . As a rule, it starts with a sore throat and a cold, and then the temperature rises, the head starts to ache, and so on.
  12. In the absence of a cold and other symptoms of a cold, one can assume that the cause is an allergy . In this case, there are other manifestations of an allergic reaction.
  13. Epidemic mumps or simply mumps can cause sore throats. Its distinctive feature is a strong neck increase in size.
  14. Perhaps, unpleasant sensations are not connected in any way with any illnesses, but are only a reaction of the organism to some stimuli . They can be, for example, dry air or cigarette smoke.

Do not forget that you yourself can only assume a diagnosis, and it's only a specialist who can put it and prescribe the right treatment. So do not start the disease, and go to the doctor in the first stages.