Ointment from edema

Puffiness can appear for various reasons: due to trauma, internal disease or ordinary fatigue. To help ointment from swelling apply mainly when the swelling does not pass a long time or is in a prominent place.

The best ointments for edema

The modern pharmacy assortment is varied so much that it may take several days to get acquainted with it. We will tell about the most popular and effective ointments to choose it was easier:

  1. A good remedy is Bruise-Off . In its composition - an extract of leeches. It removes puffiness and speeds up the process of resorption of bruises and bruises .
  2. Cheap, but high-quality ointment from edema on the face and body - Heparin . To remove swelling, apply it to the injured skin area twice - thrice a day for a week.
  3. In Indowzina two active substances - troxerutin and indomethacin. One strengthens blood vessels and improves microcirculation, the other - anesthetizes and relieves inflammation.
  4. A good ointment that removes swelling and inflammation, - Allantoin .
  5. Troxevasin is prescribed for oedemas and pains caused by sprains, bruises, dislocations.
  6. Ointments with banyam can not be used from edema under the eyes - they can cause irritation. But in all other cases they help us to do the best. Starting to use them, the main thing is not to forget that the remedies have a warming effect.
  7. When dexpanthenol begins to act, the drug turns into vitamin B.
  8. Ointment Geparoid Zentiva can be used to relieve swelling after fractures. The medicine prevents the formation of blood clots and bruises. Under his influence, swelling is more likely to dissolve, and pain quickly disappears.
  9. Dimethylsulfoxide self edema eliminates not too well. But if you use a product with a different ointment, the effect of the latter will increase.