Allergic stomatitis

Allergic stomatitis develops as a result of the conflict of the immune system with allergens. The reason may be a reaction to pollen , food and animal hair. But more often the problem is provoked by the presence in the oral cavity of dental prostheses and seals.

Symptoms of allergic stomatitis

With contact allergic stomatitis, the main signs are:

Also, stomatitis provokes the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Pathology can develop locally or affect extensive tissue sites.

Contact allergic stomatitis can occur with painful sensations, if ulcerous formations are present. In this case, infection of open bleeding wounds is likely. At the same time, there are such signs:

With weakened immunity, the disease becomes ulcerative-necrotic.

Treatment of allergic stomatitis

The main task of doctors is to identify the irritant, which led to the development of toxic-allergic stomatitis. If the allergen is the materials used to create the crowns or prostheses, the structures are removed. With prolonged intake of antibiotic drugs, adjust the dosage or designate another remedy. For relief of symptoms use antihistamines , antiseptics, analgesics.

Self-medication can lead to a worsening of the condition. When allergic stomatitis needs a competent selection of drugs that can be performed only by a doctor. Therefore, at the first signs of stomatitis it is advisable to visit dentistry.