Herbs for hair - the best medicinal plants for growth and shine of curls

Properly selected herbs for hair create real miracles. They saturate the locks with a vitamin-mineral complex. As a result, the hair becomes stronger, its growth accelerates and excessive prolapse is prevented. In addition, it looks like such a head of hair is simply luxurious.

Hair treatment with herbs

Such treatment has many advantages:

  1. Herbs have a complex effect (they simultaneously affect the hair and scalp).
  2. The medicines used are not addictive, so a long period of time can be applied until the desired result is achieved.
  3. Medicinal plants for hair are perceived by the body better than any chemical preparations.
  4. Simultaneously with the treatment, there is saturation of the head of hear with vitamins and minerals, which positively affects its appearance.

However, herbs for hair are not without drawbacks. The most important of them is the duration of therapy. To be noticeable result from the use of such medicines, they need to use at least a month. Before you start to treat the hair with herbs, you need to learn more about them. Some medicinal plants for hair and scalp of dry type are better for using, and others for fatty. It is important to ruin all these subtleties.

Herbs from hair loss

Loss of strands can be caused by various reasons. If the fallout is caused by a lack of certain trace elements in the body or stresses, then the herbs can help to cope with this problem. Another thing is when alopecia is caused by a hormonal malfunction, infections or pathologies in the thyroid gland. In this case, the herbs for hair strengthening can only be used as an aid to complex therapy. The main emphasis should be on medication.

The most effective herbs against hair loss:

Remarkably proven themselves and Ayurvedic herbs. The most effective against hair loss are such plants:

In order to maximize the effect, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Acquire herbs safely in the pharmacy. Buying from the hands, there is a high probability of obtaining old raw materials (plants also have a shelf life), which at best will not give the desired effect.
  2. Use rinse can be a day later, but the masks to do with these medicinal plants should be 1-2 times a week.

Herbs for hair growth

Often the reason that the length of the head of hair remains unchanged is the exhaustion of the scalp and the strands themselves. To correct a situation broths of grasses for hair will help. They can be prepared from such medicinal plants:

Herbs from split ends

Splitting of hairs into two or more parts can be caused by frequent use of a hair dryer, ironing, forceps or thermobooks. A radical decision in this case is a short haircut. However, do not rush to the "verdict": the curls can still be saved. For this, what kind of herbs to rinse your hair need:

Useful herbs for hair

Used in the care of head of hair can be various medicinal plants. The usefulness of herbs varies. It is determined by their chemical composition. All used herbs for hair treatment can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

However, even the best herbs for hair have such contraindications to use:

Herbs for dry hair

Medicinal plants perfectly moisten the strands and restore the structure of the rods. Here what herbs for the hair, suffering the raised or increased dryness, recommend to use:

Medicinal plants of this group can be used at various stages of caring for hair:

  1. When washing your head - if the shampoo used does not contain extracts of herbs, you can enrich it with essential oil.
  2. At rinsing - instead of the conditioner it is better to use a broth of curative plants.
  3. Extra food strands - this is provided by masks, which contain aromatic oils or extracts.

Herbs for oily hair

Especially good in this case rinsing decoctions of medicinal plants. Such procedures provide a dual effect:

  1. Purify the hairs and strengthen their rods.
  2. Normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.

Here such grasses for a skin and hair recommend to use at the raised fatness of locks:

Grass hair for shine

To curls shine with health, they need to be rinsed with a decoction of medicinal plants after each washing of the head. It is important to take a responsible approach to this moment. It is necessary to select correctly the herbs for rinsing hair. Select should be those medicinal plants that can be used for this type of hair. Cooked from them, broths have a beneficial effect on strands and scalp. As a result, locks acquire dizzying volume and dazzling brilliance.

Here are such herbs for strengthening hair in the home is better to use:

Herbs that color hair

It is possible to give the strands the desired shade even without chemicals. Coping with this task will help medicinal plants. Unlike artificial dyes, the herbs not only impart the desired tone, but also have a beneficial effect on the hair. The effect of using them is stunning. However, hair dye plants are important to choose correctly. That the result did not disappoint, it is necessary to adhere to such recommendations:

  1. Blonde girls who want curls to acquire the color of platinum, it is better to use primroses.
  2. Blondes, wishing to give curls a honey-golden tone, are advised to be painted with rhubarb root .
  3. Camomile will help the blonde hair to get a more intense color.
  4. Redheaded young ladies who want to get a golden tint on the curls, it is better to paint with saffron.
  5. A fiery tone will be added to the strands of hibiscus flowers.
  6. Brunettes can achieve a more intense shade by dyeing hair with rosemary and chestnut leaves.
  7. To give dark strands plum tide elderberry berries will help.
  8. To become a burning brunette, use a walnut shell to color the hair.