Menstruation cycle failure

Menstruation cycle in a woman, most often, signals the presence of gynecological diseases. Therefore, this deviation is considered one of the most common. Because of stress, a single malfunction of the menstrual cycle can be caused, and it's not terrible, but what if the problem is repeated regularly? You will learn about this in our article.

Why does the menstruation cycle malfunction?

There are four main reasons for this, because of which there are violations of the cycle in the female body:

  1. One of the most banal and common causes is infections of the genitals ( chlamydia, mycoplasma, uroplasm). To identify this problem and begin the necessary treatment, you need to turn to a gynecologist, pass an analysis on the infection and the sensitivity of antibiotics to them. After that, the attending physician will conduct anti-inflammatory treatment with the use of drugs that effectively act on the pathogen.
  2. A more complex cause may be a hormonal disorder . And if the failure of the menstrual cycle is caused by this problem, the treatment can last for a year or more, depending on the degree of disruption of the hormonal functions of the body. Such a problem can occur at different levels of hormone formation, so the survey includes their list, which must be checked. In such cases, the functions of the adrenal and thyroid gland function are also checked without fail.
  3. Hormonal disorders can occur in the ovaries. And this is not evidence that at the moment they are in the inflammatory process, and the likelihood is that this is a consequence of frequent colds and infectious (rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis, etc.) diseases in girls under the age of 12 years. But, since adolescents rarely pay attention to this, the disease is diagnosed late. Therefore, in such cases, the doctor will pay attention to maintaining the body, restoring hormonal balance and prevention.
  4. There are innate causes of impaired work of the follicular apparatus, and in such women there will be constant failures in the cycle due to polycystic ovaries. In this case, the patient is put on dispensary records.

Symptoms of malfunction of the menstrual cycle are not so many, and they manifest either in contraction / lengthening of the cycle, or in the duration of menstruation more than 7 or less than 3 days. Such violations can not be left without attention and the problem can not be allowed to drift, as their impact on the pelvic organs can lead to serious consequences, up to infertility. Therefore, if you notice that the cycle is broken regularly, it is necessary, as soon as possible, to see a doctor gynecologist.