Alopecia in women

Alopecia occurs more often in men, but the disease occurs in women. Undoubtedly, stable alopecia in women is a tragedy that causes a depressive state, and sometimes becomes the cause of loneliness and isolation. We learn the opinion of experts about what causes different types of alopecia, and get acquainted with their suggestions, how to treat alopecia in women.

Types of alopecia

There are several main types of alopecia:

  1. Focal alopecia in women - a local hair loss, resulting in the formation of areas of rounded shape, devoid of hair covering. According to scientists, the most common cause of this kind of alopecia in women are autoimmune processes, when the own immune system affects the hair follicles. Among the predisposing factors are stresses, infectious diseases, intoxication of the body, exposure to radiation. In severe form, hair is lost on the whole body - there comes a total alopecia.
  2. Diffuse alopecia in women is associated with increased sensitivity of the hair follicles to the hormone dihydrosterone. In the absence of treatment on the patient's head there are rare thin hairs. It provokes diffuse alopecia reception of some medicines, nervous stresses, hormonal disorders, unbalanced nutrition, chronic diseases.
  3. Accelerated death of the follicle is characteristic of alopecia areata in women. Externally, this manifests itself in the form of strips in the area of ​​the parting on the head. Gradually, the zone of alopecia in the parietal part becomes wider, resembling a nest.
  4. Androgenic alopecia in women is associated with a significant excess in the blood testosterone level (male sex hormone). In addition to hair loss, a woman develops secondary sexual characteristics according to the male type: the hair grows on the face, the voice becomes rough. This type of alopecia is hereditary.

Treatment of alopecia in women

Therapeutic measures in baldness depend on the cause of the disease. In this regard, having noticed the signs of alopecia, you should consult a doctor-trichologist. With the help of diagnostic techniques, a specialist will determine the type of alopecia, recommend, if necessary, a more in-depth examination of doctors of narrow specialization:

If the cause of alopecia in the androgen factor, the doctor appoints phytoestrogens that regulate the level of hormones in the blood to eliminate dysfunction.

In the case when hair is thinning due to stresses, vitamin-mineral complexes, preparations with soothing action, massage, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed.

To activate blood microcirculation, the following medicines are recommended:

A good effect is the use of drugs that improve the nutrition of tissues, such as Solcoseryl and Actovegin. With a progressive nature of the disease, glucocorticosteroids can be prescribed.

Fungal infections leading to breakdown of the hair shafts, according to doctors, are the easiest to cure. For medicinal purposes antifungal agents are prescribed in the form of creams, ointments, sprays, which it is necessary to regularly treat the scalp.

Pharmacologists have developed a special tool for treating nested and diffuse alopecia in women. For example, many positive reviews receive preparations for external use Esvitsin, Minoxidil. For oral administration, experts recommend Perfiktil. The drug contains components that stop the destruction of hair follicles.

As auxiliaries for baldness, compositions made on the basis of natural substances according to folk recipes can be used.