Planting chrysanthemums in autumn

Chrysanthemum is rightfully considered to be the queen of autumn, because when the bulk of flowers already fade, these fluffy flowers blossom with a marvelous color, without ceasing to amaze and delight the eye with a variety of varieties and colors. During this period they become the main component of most holiday bouquets, but the fate of the cut flowers in the vase is sad - even with good care and regular water change, they will quickly fade. Therefore, lovers of these flowers prefer to grow them on their own dachas, gardens and homestead plots.

If you decide on such a step, it is important to first study the information - how to plant chrysanthemums correctly, when, what place is better for them to choose and how to care. These plants are rather capricious, so in order to enjoy the beautiful flowering, you need to observe the basic rules of choice and planting.

How to plant chrysanthemums in autumn?

Many beginning flower growers are worried about the question, is it possible to plant chrysanthemums in autumn? Specialized literature does not give an unambiguous answer to this question, but most experts agree that planting chrysanthemums in autumn is worthwhile only in the southern regions, choosing for this small-flowered varieties. The fact is that it is easier and more productive to choose the planting material in autumn - so the flower growers have the opportunity to assess the color, the size of the inflorescences, the height of the bush, because if you buy chrysanthemums for planting in the spring, you have to act at random, since to foresee something, looking at the bare twigs , very difficult.

Some tips for planting chrysanthemums in autumn:

There is also a compromise option - to purchase planting material in autumn, wait until the end of flowering and leave for winter in a dry basement with a temperature of at least 5⁰C and in spring to plant chrysanthemums in the ground.

Chrysanthemum garden: planting in spring

Care for chrysanthemums

Immediately after planting, you should pinched, removing the growth point from the seedling. Repeat the procedure in 2-3 weeks, breaking the upper part of the shoot - this stimulates the growth of lateral shoots, which will make the bush more lush and spreading.

The regime of irrigation should be moderate, but it should be made more intensive in the dry period, in order to avoid stinging shoots. Once a week it is necessary to feed bushes mullein, and shortly before flowering it is necessary to bring mineral fertilizers. For the winter chrysanthemum should be covered, putting on a bed frame with plastic wrap.

Despite the fact that chrysanthemums are perennials , it is recommended that they be transplanted regularly, changing the place, as they deplete the soil, during the flowering period, selecting all valuable substances from it.