Children's vibrating disc

Rhinitis is, unfortunately, an indispensable "attribute" of the autumn-winter period. Suffer from him and adults, and kids. It is a concomitant symptom of many diseases, and therefore it is necessary to combat it comprehensively.

In recent years, pediatricians often with a cold in children prescribe vibrocil, which refers to complex anticongestion drugs. This vasoconstrictive drug successfully fights with diseases of the nasal mucosa. There is no separate form for the release of a child's vibration oscillator, but its use is also allowed for babies. The vibrocil for children and adults includes active substances phenylephrine and dimethindene maleate, which have a long and at the same time immediate effect on the mucosa and accessory sinuses. In addition, these substances due to the presence of an anti-allergic effect make it possible to use vibrocil in case of a cold of allergic origin.

Indication and method of application

The main indications for the use of this medication are rhinitis of various origins (allergic, acute, vasomotor, chronic). In addition, vibrocil demonstrates excellent results in the treatment of the following diseases:

Forms of the preparation

At what age can children be used vibrocil and whether it can be prescribed to infants, depends on the form of release of this drug.

  1. So, drops of vibrating disc are suitable for both newborns and adults. If the crumbs up to one-year-old age are enough to dig in a nozzle one drop to four times a day, then children under six years of age are doubled. Drops of vibrocil to children over six years of age and adults drip into the nose also up to four times a day, but increase the dose to 3-4 drops in each nasal passage.
  2. This drug is also available in the form of a gel. It is used to treat children older than six years. Vibrocil-gel for children is administered in small amounts in the nasal passages 3-4 times a day. The deeper the drug is administered, the better.
  3. For the same age category (for adults and children over six years of age), vibrating-spray is also used. It is enough one or two injections four times a day. In this case, you must follow important rules: the head should be in a vertical position, the drug should be heated to room temperature, and after injections it is recommended to take a few shallow breaths. Seven days of treatment is sufficient in most cases.

Please note, before using the vibrating scales in any form it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the contraindications, which include:

As such, an overdose in taking vibrocil does not have serious consequences. If the child has symptoms such as pallor of the mucous membranes, skin, fatigue, pain in the tummy or excessive excitation, it is necessary to take a laxative, enterosorbent. Specific antidotes of vibrocil are absent.


The reception of the vibrating disc in any of its release forms is calculated for no more than seven days. If you continue treatment with this drug, the probability of tachyphylaxis (addiction) is very high. In addition, you can turn ordinary rhinitis into a drug. In case the reception of this drug has not had the desired effect within the specified period, contact your doctor to replace it with another one with a similar effect.

Despite the free sale of vibrocil, consultation of the pediatrician will not hurt.

Health to you and your children!