Cultivation of hyacinths in open ground

Hyacinth is a bulbous perennial plant, which is distinguished by a large number of possible colors and a pleasant aroma. It can also be grown as a decorative houseplant, but in this article we will talk about growing hyacinths in the open ground.

Selection of a place for planting hyacinths

That the plant actively developed and grew healthy, it is necessary to choose the right place for planting hyacinths. It is best if it is a warm and windless zone of your garden. The selected plot of land can be located under a slight slope, this will not allow excess liquid to accumulate at the roots of the plant and prevent the possible occurrence of fungal diseases or decay of bulbs.

The soil for cultivating hyacinths in the garden must be moisture-permeable and rich in mineral elements and nutrients.

The process of planting hyacinths

Plant flowers in the soil in autumn in September or October. Two months before the proposed date of planting, it is necessary to prepare soil. To do this, you need to dig up the ground at a depth of up to half a meter and make a fertilizer in the form of mineral fertilizers or humus. If the cultivation of hyacinth flowers is planned on clay soil, sand or peat should be added. If the soil is acidic, liming to pH 6.5 is necessary.

Before you proceed to the direct planting of bulbs in the open ground, it is recommended to leave them to lie in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. After this bulb can be planted. The depth of planting should be about 15 cm, the distance between bulbs - 20 cm.

Care for hyacinths

The basic rules required by proper agrotechnics for growing hyacinths are regular loosening of the soil and abundant watering. Do not forget about fertilizing. The first time the fertilizer needs to be applied to a young plant. The second top dressing is carried out at the time of bud formation.