Horse Chestnut Tincture

Nature has given humanity a lot of plants, successfully used in all areas of our lives. And it is not a secret for anyone that the fruits and roots of trees that are most useful in the breadth of the habitat of a particular person are most useful. In this article we will describe the properties of the familiar and familiar chestnut, a tincture of which is an indispensable tool for certain diseases, for example, in varicose veins .

origin of name

In fact, there is no direct connection with such noble animals as horses, horse chestnut. And the name is explained by the color of the fetal skin, from which the tincture of horse chestnut is made after reaching maturity.

The color and shine of it is very similar to that of a horse of bay suits. Some sources also assert that the name was invented in order to distinguish this chestnut, which is not edible, from another kind of chestnut, used for food.

How to use tincture from chestnut?

This beautiful plant is used in pharmacology and folk medicine in several dosage forms. The most common is horse chestnut tincture, which has a variety of uses, but also produces ointments, decoctions and juice.

More often tincture of horse chestnut is used to treat varicose veins, hemorrhoids, rheumatism , uterine bleeding, joint and gastrointestinal diseases. The main actions of the healing plant are:

How to make tincture from horse chestnut?

The use of this tincture is also convenient because it can be prepared at home. To do this, you need to wash from 5 to 10 fruits, depending on the size and pour them 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka. Then insist for at least 10 days in a dark place in a closed container. Then the tincture is used for wiping and compresses.

Tincture of chestnut flowers for joints is prepared on the same principle, but instead of fruits, pre-shredded flowers are used in the amount of 5 tablespoons. This tincture is taken orally 30 drops before meals for 10 days.

Be sure to remember that tincture of horse chestnut has its contraindications. These include constipation, kidney failure, gastritis with low acidity, blood diseases and pregnancy.