Potato juice is good and bad, under what diseases is it useful?

Potatoes are used both in nutrition and raw for treatment, but it is not pleasant for everyone, but juice is easier to take in and easy to use as an external remedy. But potato juice, the benefit and harm of which is not always taken into account, can give unpredictable results.

Potato juice - useful properties

Potato juice has many useful properties, which is due to its chemical composition, which includes a complex of macro- and microelements, vitamins, organic acids and other components that have a therapeutic effect on the body. Its benefits are confirmed by folk and official medicine. It will be interesting to know how potato juice is useful. For the drug, tonic, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, mild diuretic effects are characteristic.

How to make potato juice?

For treatment, you can only use a freshly prepared drink. Tubers for juice will fit large, without damage, fully ripened, without traces of solanine (greenery). To show the useful qualities of the drink, you need to know how to cook potato juice. The procedure for obtaining the drug is as follows: wash potatoes, do not clean, cut; in a juicer, grind the tuber; squeeze the juice and immediately take it.

At what diseases is potato juice useful?

Treatment of potato juice should be done according to the rules, the first of which is to take the drug only freshly prepared. However, this does not exhaust the conditions that allow us to obtain positive results when using cocotherapy. Begin this process from the preparatory period, which lasts 10-14 days. During this time you need:

If you do not hold this stage, the body can not take sokoteratiyu, and instead of a cure, new problems may appear. In parallel, it is recommended to cleanse the body for two to three days with enemas. To eliminate the unpleasant taste sensations from the juice of the potato will help the carrot, which does not weaken its healing effect. The drink is used to treat:

Treatment with potato gastric juice

The positive influence of potato juice on the state of the gastrointestinal tract is noted. Effective for any problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Potato juice with gastritis removes inflammation of the gastric mucosa, helps to reduce the level of hydrochloric acid, healing of erosion on the walls of the body. A cocktail of fresh carrots and potatoes - an excellent prevention of stomach diseases.

Potato juice with pancreatitis and cholecystitis

One of the dangerous diseases that manifests itself as an exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas is pancreatitis. When the condition worsens, the temperature rises, vomiting, vomiting, and in the left side of the abdomen there are strong pulling pains, which gradually shift to the back. Attacks are repetitive in nature and occur unexpectedly.

For treatment, a complex of therapeutic measures is used, among which - sokoterapiya: potato juice, the benefits and harm that may occur during admission, depend on the correct use of the drink. Take it in small doses and start with a teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume. It is also good for prevention, but it is better to apply it after consultation with the attending physician. This is important in the treatment of another serious disease - cholecystitis.

It is characterized by pains that appear on the right side of the abdomen and are associated with inflammation of the gallbladder. Progression of the disease is observed against the background of urolithiasis. Potato juice helps to remove the acute course of cholecystitis. The course of treatment with juice, which is prepared immediately before the reception, lasts 10 days. The order of reception is as follows:

Potato juice with mastopathy

Mastopathy is a woman's disease that directly characterizes a woman's health. It occurs against the background of other diseases and leads to the appearance of dangerous seals in the tissues of the chest, causing cyclic or persistent pain in the chest. In a complex of methods and techniques, treatment with potato juice is not the last place. The drink is rich in vitamins of group B, C, D, E.

Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron were found in the potato fresh. Organic acids are found in tubers. Such a chemical composition gives all the prerequisites for using potato juice as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Take it in the morning, before breakfast, adding 1 tsp. sugar for 1 tbsp. juice. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Potato juice for diabetes

Diabetes is a serious illness that is considered incurable. To maintain the body in a satisfactory state, it is necessary to use medicines, a properly selected diet that allows the use of certain vegetable freshies in the diet. However, the potato variant is used not for the sake of pleasure, but as a means of healing.

To the drug has a positive effect on the body, you need to know how to drink the potato juice correctly. The peculiarity of the method is that the therapeutic effect is detected if the drink is prepared and immediately drunk on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. And since it is drunk for medicinal purposes, then take it by a course of ¼ cup every day for 14 days. Repeat the course is possible not earlier than a month.

Potato juice with liver hemangioma

Amazing medicinal properties of the potato juice make it possible to use it as a therapeutic component in the fight against liver hemangioma , which is a benign tumor that is treated with medicamentous and non-medicamentous methods; among them - treatment with potato juice. It binds free radicals, restoring liver tissue. The therapeutic effect is possible only if it is known how to drink potato juice correctly.

Potato juice for poisoning

A wide range of indications that heals potato juice is supplemented by its use in food poisoning. A freshly prepared drink helps with nausea, vomiting, vomiting. Drink it without flavoring additives, even if the juice is unpleasant in taste: when the body is poisoned, the use of various fillers will only aggravate this condition.

Potato juice from couperose

Dermatological problem - couperose is eliminated with the help of potato juice. This disease, or even the physiological factor, is characterized by the blood vessels seen through the skin. As a rule, they appear on the face, which, naturally, does not paint a person. At the same time there is increased fragility of the vessels and loss of elasticity, because they are closely located to the surface of the skin.

Being, rather, a dermatological or even cosmetic factor, couperose is treatable. The question of how to take potato juice in this disease is solved as follows: the drug is used in combination with sea buckthorn oil in the form of face masks. Apply once a week, stand on the face for ten minutes, and then remove with the help of chamomile with the addition of ascorutin (0.5 tablets per 1 liter of infusion).

Potato juice for weight loss

Weight correction issues are directly related to the appointment of diets in which the potato does not have a place - it is considered an undesirable product in the slimming menu, but can serve a good purpose. If you use a potato drink to cleanse the body, then harmful substances, excess fluid are released. The intake of the drug improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys, the gastrointestinal tract, and this gives a positive result in the fight against excess kilograms.

You can prepare the drink only from healthy tubers, preferably pink, while removing the peel is not necessary. Pure the potatoes in a squeezer or grate, squeeze. How to drink potato juice, so he brought the maximum benefit, prompted the practice. Drink it 30 minutes before eating, and to remove the unpleasant taste, supplements of carrot, lemon or pumpkin juice, honey are allowed.

Potato juice - contraindications

The magic properties of potato juice can be effective, but the potato juice, the benefit and harm of which depend on the correctness of the reception and individual characteristics of the patient, affects the body in different ways. The drug is not recommended with reduced acidity, in order to avoid the transition of gastritis to a chronic and other pathologies, these are:

Do not recommend potato juice in severe forms of diabetes and in the last stages of obesity: it is capable of causing additional harm to an already unhealthy organism. It contains "fast" carbohydrates and sugars, so the use of the drink leads to an increase in the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood and causes an additional increase in body weight, the formation of visceral fat and cholesterol plaques, gallstones, diabetic shock.