Bird cherry - useful properties and contraindications

Bird cherry is a tree that can also grow in the form of a bush. It has fragrant flowers and tart fruits. Most often you can find on wet soils, along river valleys and lakes. It is widely used in folk medicine, since cherry has many useful properties, although it has some contraindications. The use of this plant helps fight various diseases. Medicinal properties are due to the rich chemical composition.

Berries cherry red - useful properties and contraindications

The plant has many healing properties:

In addition, other parts of the plant also have useful properties.

Bark bird bark:

Leaves of the plant:

The main contraindication is the use during pregnancy. The fact is that the composition contains a strong active acid, which affects the adult organism almost imperceptibly. But for children it can become a real toxic substance.

Recipes for preparation of cherry leaves - useful properties and contraindications

The bird cherry leaves are used to destroy small insects, harmful microorganisms, and also are used for air purification. With external mechanical injuries, this part of the tree or bush is applied to the affected areas, which reduces the pain effect and accelerates the recovery.

The recipe for decoction from the leaves of bird cherry


Preparation and use

Pure raw materials are added to the water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and keep in this state for no more than five minutes. Allow to cool and drain. To ingest 50 ml three times a day. To treat external damage, compresses are applied to the affected area.

Do not use this remedy for people who suffer from constipation, hemorrhoids (as it already does it) or to pregnant women.

A recipe for tincture of cherry leaves


Preparation and use

Pure raw materials are placed in a small glassware and filled with vodka. Twists and insists in a dark place for two weeks. Used for rubbing the patient's lumbar region or joints. Proceed with the procedure once a day. Top with a woolen scarf. The first effect should appear a week after the start.